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1 ñòð. èç 1 Petersburg before the jubilee Vladimir Yakovlev tells about socio-economic situation in the city, about construction of large-scale objects. The Economic Forum of the countries of CIS that was held in Tavrichesky Palace for the sixth time finished its work in June. Speech of the governor Vladimir Yakovlev on the «round table» of the Forum can be called «program» in the context of preparation to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. The Governor pointed the aims and goals, including the ones for the investment and construction industries of the city. Power industry: attack direction — Kalinigrad Construction of power industry objects in Kalinigrad region Construction of Kalinigrad GRES — 2 is able to solve the problems connected with the power supply of the Russian enclave — Kaliningrad region. This project can be considered one of the most important building sites of RAO «EES Rossiji». The fate of Kaliningrad region recently was actively discussed in mass media because of transportation problems. On a territory of the enclave there are 5 small power supply stations. They were built upon projects from 1930-s and belong to different organizations. The facilities are morally old and deteriorated. Pavel Goryachkin: «We celebrate the Constructor’s day on a positive wave» On the eve of the Constructor’s day we, as usual, came to congratulate the head of St. Petersburg Regional Center for price formation in construction Pavel Goryachkin. The conversations with him are always substantial, full of current problems, rising the most topical questions, and they never left our readers indifferent. Today’s conversation also happened to be interesting and spreading much wider than the activities of the Center. A member of Soyuzpetrostroy — a worthy reference «Soyuzpetrostroy» (St. Petersburg union of Construction Companies) is one of the most authoritative public organizations of our city which unites the strongest players in the construction industry and defends their interests on a highest level. Our correspondent converses about today’s life of the Union with its director Lev Kaplan. — Lev Moiseevich, more and more attention to the union is paid by organizations, for which construction is not a main sphere of business — banks, real estate agencies, insurance companies… — Soyuzpetrostroy is a unique all-sufficient structure that can itself solve even the most complicated problem in the construction industry. Many of our members are in close partnership with each other. We trust each other, because we admit only the companies with stainless reputation. The members of «Soyuzpetrostroy» are never involved in scandalous stories, which, unfortunately, sometimes happen in St. Petersburg construction complex. Organizations that supply the investment — construction process are highly interested in cooperation with us. We do not admit everybody. For a long time we check, make enquiries about the candidate, because we do not need accidental people. The ones that become our members are truly the best, they can be trusted. SPbGASU is proud for its graduates There are some places in the city that our journal is traditionally visiting on the eve of the Constructor’s day. One of them is the St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University — the alma mater of Petersburg constructors. During our conversation Yuri Panibratov — rector of the University — not only shared his view of a lot topical questions, told about the everyday problems of his university, but also gave us a part of his ebullient energy and optimism. Nearest projects of Petersburg Construction Center On the eve of the Constructor’s day, our correspondent met with the director of Petersburg Construction Center — Irina Belinskaya. The conversation was about the nearest plans of PCC. — Irina Igorevna, how is Petersburg Construction Center preparing to the jubilee of our city? — Celebration of the 300-th anniversary of St. Petersburg is rapidly approaching. Construction complex of the city is responsible for preparation to the city’s birthday. Petersburg Construction Complex, as usual, will take part and will do its best. Leningrad oblast will celebrate 75 years in August. Together with the Commitee of construction we issued a jubilee catalogue about the construction complex of the Leningrad oblast. I consider this catalogue to be extremely important, because it will show the real state of affairs and tell about the present and future projects of construction enterprises in the oblast. A housing fair is held in Finland annually. This year it will be held in Kotka. As usual, Petersburg Construction Center will form the delegation of Petersburg specialists. 30 people from Petersburg that work on the market of low-rise construction will visit Kotka this year. For the first time 2 Petersburg companies-builders («Elf» and «KzhBI-211») will exhibit there among the most famous European companies. I am very glad that Russian companies are entering the western markets, learn to build according to the international regulations. It is a considerable step forward. Admiraltejsky — the first not only alphabetically Interview with the head of territorial administration of the Admiraltejsky district Yuri Lukmanov. In this issue of the journal, which is dedicated to the Constructor’s day, we start a series of publications about a course of preparations to the St. Petersburg jubilee, about activities of districts’ administrations on development of the investment-construction complex. Whatever decisions are taken by a city government or departamental commitees, they are somehow or other put into practice on a level of a district or even a microdistrict. We decided to start with an Admiraltejskiy district. Not only because it is first alphabetically, and the head of the district administration Yu. H. Lokhmanov is just appointed by the governor. According to the words of the district’s head, it is the first also by other reasons… Union of restorers: integration will give us strength! In the meantime, with a beginning of preparations for celebration of 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg, the restoration activity in our city has distinctly liven up. The approaching jubilee caused multiple increase of financing of restoration works. To talk about a present situation in the industry, to understand its aims and problems, we met with a president of a Petersburg Union of restorers Alexander Likhomanov and a general director Oleg Britov. Rosavtodor: the roads that we choose Our correspondent talks with a First vice-minister of transport Igor Slyunyaev. — Igor Nikolaevich, what are the ministry’s priorities on development of the national road economy for the year 2002? — In 2001 the government of Russian Federation has passed the subprogram «Automotive roads» in the framework of a federal special program «Modernization of transport system of Russia (2002—2010)». Our main task is to ensure the execution of the obligations for 2002, with minimum inputs and maximum efficiency. Accomplishment of the above said task will be made with the help of series of arrangements and plans that will be executed by Rosavtodor and the road organizations. First of all, it is introduction of a law project «Automotive roads and road activity», and accompanying of this document until its adoption. Next — elaboration of a new effective mechanism of a road economy financing. Also, it is needed to prepare and realize the reformation of a system of federal and municipal institutions that control road economy. There are other topical tasks — priority development of automotive roads network; rising the efficiency of the present system of leasing of road-building machinery; obtaining funds for road construction from international financial institutions; completion of works on inventory of the territories occupied by federal automotive roads. Finally, it is elaboration of measures for rising of quality of road works and materials. A chief must have a volition The General Director of the famous «Kirov» plant about his enterprise and himself. Two jubilees were the «informational reason» for this interview. The first one is 40 years of the famous tractor Kirovetz. The second — 15 years from the day when the enterprise was headed by P.G.Semenenko. Our correspondent is conversing with the general director of OAO «Kirov plant». 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