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1 ñòð. èç 1 The Governor Vladimir Yakovlev Answers Questions of the ReadersIn this issue the Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev traditionally answers one of our reader’s question. He speaks about how the city government helps to regulate problems arising between the citizens-private housing investors and companies-general contractors.Communal Apartments Will Be Relocated According to the City ProgramEverybody knows that in Russia (and in St. Petersburg in particular) there still exist so called communal apartments (as a survival of communist times) where several families can live together in terrible conditions, having common kitchen and bathroom. Of course, it is an admissible situation for modern society. That’s why there have been worked out a program «Relocation and Reconstruction of Communal Apartments in St. Petersburg», approved by the city Government, which will let thousands citizens of our city to improve their life conditions. The International Builders’ Show The International Builders’ Show.Committee for Construction: 2000 work resultsIn the period from January to December 2000 the Committee for construction totally invested 1204 million roubles into its objects, including 904,6 million – from the city budget, 142,5 million roubles – at the expense of private housing cost’s compensation, 111,9 million roubles – from the means, transferred by investors to infrastructure, 45,5 million roubles – from the federal budget. In 2000 in St. Petersburg there was put into operation 1080,9 ths. sq. m of housing: Newly built 167 blocks, 14344 apartments, 990,3 tts. sq. m reconstructed, 22 blocks, 629 apartments, 54,7 ths. sq. m built private habitation 215 houses, 218 apartments, 35,9 ths. sq. m totally by the budget means there was built 5 social objects, 3 blocks, 10,7 km of engineering networks, 9 cultural objects reconstructed. There was continued work on the State habitation certificates program. In 2000 there were registered 336 certificates and 285 apartments bought.MIPIM-2001 Passed under the Slogan «St. Petersburg — European Capital»St. Petersburg’s constructors visited Cannes MIPIM Exposition in March, 2001. Famous construction companies of «the most European Russian city» demonstrated their investment projects in France. Our delegation was led by the Chairman and a deputy Chairman of Petersburg’s Committee for Construction Alexander Vakhmistrov and Alexander Shabasov, respectively. Our delegation tried to present fully investment attractiveness of our city. The heads of our delegation met with Cannes and other French and European cities’ authorities and business circles, showing potential of Petersburg as the world cultural and intellectual center. They said there came time to make our city an integral part of the world economic community. Almost 40 St. Petersburg companies visited Cannes, promoting their investment projects and brands. Among the projects there were: 2 city projects (Western speed diameter; unified geo-informational system), 5 projects of the housing complexes (Construction trust 39; Peterburgstroy; Impulse; Baltijskaya Commertsiya; Illan), 4 projects of the commercial centers (Rubin, the State Russian Museum, Sovetnik, CC «Piter»), 2 office centers (Stroymontage, «Okkerville» agency), 1 project of entertainment center (First Petersburg’s Water park), 1 industry project («5 stars» concern), 1 project of hotel (Morrison International Development). St. Petersburg stand attracted lots of international consulting and developer companies’ representatives, participating in the world investment process. MIPIM-2001 was Petersburg’s second experience of participation in this Forum and showed our city authorities and business community have chosen the right way and should more persistently work for making our city’s investment attractiveness image.Interstroyexpo-2001: Building Season BeginsOne of the greatest North-West construction complex’s events takes place on April,17 in St. Petersburg – International Construction Forum Interstroyexpo. For five days representatives of more than 600 companies from 23 countries will demonstrate the last achievements of industry. On the threshold of this event our correspondent met with Denis Voronov, Interstroyexpo director. – Denis Mikhilovich, what differs Interstroyexpo-2001 from the previous shows? – This year Interstroyexpo steppes on the principally new level, having won the status of the forum. Now our event will include five profile exhibitions and the International Construction IBC Forum. For last few years Interstroyexpo has concentrated the last achievements of Russian and foreign construction industry and has become the center of opinions’ exchange, demonstration of new technologies and approaches to investment policy. We united several events to higher business and practical meaning and content of the show. We have felt Interstroyexpo is not any more an exposition in traditional understanding not only a Spring congress of Constructors, but a very serious Forum.The International Construction Forum in St. PetersburgApril,17-19 in Petersburg in the framework of Interstroyexpo there will take place the first International Construction Congress. One of its organizers is Petersburg Construction Center, our magazine’s old partner. Doctor of economics Irina Belinskaya, general director of PCC tells about the Congress. – Irina Igorevna, what are the main aims and problems of the Congress. Who participates it? – On the threshold of the 300-year anniversary of St. Petersburg the Government of Russia’s, other countries’ ,Russian and foreign investors’ attention is riveted on our city. That’s why this is the most right moment for such event. Its main goal is to show St. Petersburg’s and Leningrad region investment attractiveness and their perspectives in the field of real estate development, to demonstrate large and various program of construction complex’s preparations to the eve, the main pilot projects and objects, which are to be realized by the city’s anniversary. The International Congress will help to imagine investment perspective of St. Petersburg and the whole North-West region. Its participants will have opportunity to exchange financial and project’s crediting experience, to demonstrate new technologies on concrete samples of the leading city’s and region’s objects.Soyuzpetrostroy is for Civilized Decision of Investment-Construction ComplexToday Soyuzpetrostroy - Construction Companies’ Junction – is one of the most influential public organizations, uniting 280 firms, participants of investment-construction process. We talk about the most urgent problems, solved by Soyuz, with its director, doctor of economics Lev Kaplan. — Lev Moiseevich, both our readers and the city authorities know you loudly and persistently appeal everybody to solve investment-construction complex’s problems more actively. What improvement one can watch in this sphere? — Exactly, we need to force decision of these most important problems. At the minimum we should preserve already formed system of attracting private investors’ means in housing. It’s necessary to remind that St. Petersburg is a unique city — our budget doesn’t subsidize housing construction. One million square meters of housing is annually built at the expense of private investors. In this connection three problems are to be solved: to maintain confidence of the citizens (private housing investors) that their money won’t be lost, being invested in reliable projects; to found modern legislative-normative basis of investment-construction process, especially in housing construction; to found system of civilized relationships between constructors and natural monopolies.The 1st International Construction-Art Show in RussiaSpring, 1908 the International Construction-Art Show opened in St. Petersburg. It was the 1st demonstration of construction art’s achievements in the history of Russia and became an event of the national meaning.Energy saving systems of the external wallsWe are making an attempt to present a retrospective analysis of different types of energy saving combined external walls, worked out and introduced in the modern Russian construction’s practice. Not pretending on the full problem’s lightning, basing mostly on Scandinavian, Finnish and Canadian Experience, we mark out several types of civil buildings’ external walls and give their characteristics.The International Builders’ Show — St. Petersburg’s Constructors Follow Columbus’s FootstepsExpositional activity has become an integral part of many Russian companies’ work. Our magazine throws light on the most important International construction shows, in which St. Petersburg’s companies participate. In this issue we dedicate a big article to The International Builders’ Show, that was held in February, 2000 in Atlanta (Georgia, USA). Petersburg Construction Center with the help of The U.S. Commercial Service of American Consulate General in St. Petersburg gathered the delegation of Petersburg’s constructors to visit the largest construction show on American continent. More than 75000 people from 100 countries visited The International Builders’ Show. Our city was represented by 20 businessmen well known in construction complex. Among them: Vladimir Kondratenko (Metrobeton), Valentin Pelinovsky (Stroymaterialy), Igor Nikonov (trust «Sevzaptransstroy»), Angela Fokina (Geostroy), Denis Monakhov (Atoll), Alexander Aksenov (Isoteck), Victor Dianov (Spetsghidroisoliatsia «Monolit»), Nikolay Felkner (Peterburgproektservice). Our constructors were very much satisfied by results of the Show. Some of them found new business contacts in America, others got experience how to be successful in making business in the modern world.Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹4
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