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1 ñòð. èç 1 The economy of Saint Petersburg in the first six months of 2002 City government has evaluated the results of social-economic development of Saint Petersburg during the first six months of 2002. Sergey Vetlitzin, a vice-governor and the chairman of Committee of economy and industrial and trade policy reported at the sitting of the government. He noted that during this period there were stable positive tendencies in the city economy i.e. the growth of business activity in industry, construction, transport and communication. In the first half of 2002 positive dynamics of macroeconomic figures of development remained. The index of industrial production for the six months made up 100,9% as compared with the same period of time in the last year. Throughout of Russia, this index made up 103,2%. In Saint Petersburg during the time there were produced industrial goods for the total amount of 88,8 billion rubles. About the forecast for the development of house-building for the time up to 2010 According to Alexander Vakhmistrov, chairman of the Committee of Construction, Saint Petersburg’s builders have made a move to «active input of dwelling spaces». It means that now over 1 million sq. metes is regularly leased in St. Petersburg annually. 645 thousand sq. metes dwelling spaces have been leased for the seven months for the current year. Nowadays mainly the northern districts of the city undergo active construction. The infrastructure of the long lived-in districts is gradually exhausting its capacity, it is not always possible to integrate new houses there. It is time to think about the direction in which the city should expand. At the first sitting of the government the offered forecast for the city construction up to 2010 was discussed. Thus Krasnoselskiy district will became the largest construction site of the city, where more than 5 million sq. metes of living space are planned to be built, Primorskiy and Viborgskiy districts following close behind. In the first decade of a new century an increase of 22 million sq. metes of dwelling space is expected. Engineering preparation of the building up territory will be carried out at the highest rate, hypothec and other kinds of loans developing. Constructor’s Day in «Oktiabrskiy» concert hall was celebrated officially and …merrily On Thursday, August 08 a festivity dedicated to Constructor’s Day was traditionally held. And although it is in common practice to say something good for the day, it is hard to recall when constructors last time saw their professional festival in so optimistically. Undoubtfuly, all the speeches were devoted to a soon-to-come three hundredth anniversary of Saint Petersburg, because it is the constructors that bear the hardest strain in preparation for the jubilee. It is a great honor and responsibility as the outcomes of their constructive work next May will be evaluated not only by the city or the country, but also by the whole world. The governor of the city, Vladimir Jakovlev did not confine himself to traditional greetings. The governor gets an opportunity to address such a large audience of constructors in fact once a year, so using the opportunity he summed up the results of their activity, and expressed his wishes: — In the last years the Construction Complex of Saint Petersburg has acquired a firm foothold. Nowadays the construction is expanded all over the city. The constructors of all specialties have done a great job: historical building of the city are being reconstructed and restored, new blocks are being erected and the roads are being built and repaired. Large areas are equiped with modern services and utilities, shopping centers and hotels. Our primary target – is to prepare the city for the 300th jubilee, so that Saint Petersburg should see it in looking most.beatiful. I do not have any doubts about it will be so. Investments into Leningrad region. The vice-governor gives «a bad advice» The vice-governor of Leningrad region answers the questions of corespondent of «Petersburg Construction Market» magazine. — Georgiy Viktorovich, it is known that the industry of Leningrad region shows good development results. Which industrial branches would you name as most successfully developing ones? — There are many branches of this kind. But I would like to emphasize two branches that show highest dynamics, there are food industry and machinery where the growth rates exceed average figures in the region. A bit slower but also at noticeable rates develops the industry of building materials, woodworking and pulp and paper industries. Construction complex of the region undergoes successful and dynamic growth. It never drags behind and sometimes even passes ahead of Saint Petersburg by the scale of house building, if we count a number of all ready built lodgings per person. We should also mention a number of projects connected with the development of industry and transport. We have also completed the work on enhancing transit infrastructure, first of all concerning harbor complexes in Ust-Luga and Primorsk. The city is getting ready for the winter This year a number of repairs to heating systems and «Lenenergo» has been increased twice. The winter is very close. And though every time its approach is inevitable, the preparation to the heating season sometimes looks like an overall campaign in the remaining autumn months. To avoid such situation, city government takes these questions under control in advance. At the sitting of the city government chaired by Vladimir Jakovlev, the heads of different boards and committees reported about preparation for the heating season 2002—2003. It was noticed that the work is being done according the schedule and even faster. Thus, as Vladimir Hrenov, leader of the Committee of maintenance of the housing resources, said that by the first of august one third of municipal living houses had been already prepared for the winter. In the same period of the last year this percentage was far worse. The chairman of the Committee of Power Engineering, Alexey Delukin was pleased to notice that this year both state unitary enterprise «FEC SPb» and «Lenenergo» have considerably increased the effort on heating mains. During this year fuel and energy complex will have repaid 115 km of heating systems and 40 km of power systems. The repairs on the heating systems of «Lenenergo» are being carried out according to the modern technology that will allow prolonging their live time and reducing loss of heat at transportation. BATIMAT helps achieve stability The 6th Construction Exhibition BATIMAT in Saint Petersburg, hidden behind scaffolding is one of the major profile exhibitions in Russia. This year BATIMAT St. Petersburg is special importance. The city is being repaired for its 300th anniversary, it is all covered with scaffolding. Hundreds million dollars issued for reconstruction attract «top» participants of the exhibition. Hundreds of Russian and foreign companies strive to get here. The October exhibition BATIMAT – is the last chance for them to influence the «pre-jubilee» choice of wholesalers and constructors considerably. That is why the visitors of exhibition will not get bored. Among numerous expositions one can find goods of the highest quality and for best prices. The exhibition allows the visitor to avoid mediators while choosing new materials and services. And the choice is rich: BATIMAT shows all the latest «hits» of the leaving season. Besides, the innovations that are to define construction tendencies of the next year will be exhibited here. «The real boom of dry construction blends in Russia is still ahead» Domestic market of dry blends is one of the most dynamically developing sections in the branch of construction materials. For the last several years the volume of output of dry construction blends have been increasing by 15—20% a year. The Russian customer today consumes about 1 million tons of dry blends by the most considerate estimations and this is far from the limit. Nowadays potential capacity of the market can be evaluated as 3,5 million tons. This was the figure given by the experts about annual turnover of both modified and simple compositions without using special chemical ingredient. Representatives of the leading companies in this field are going to discuss the prospects of dry blends market development at the International Conference Batimix — «Dry Construction Blends for XXI century: technology and business». The union of dry construction blends makers is one of the organizers of the Conference. Today we asked the head of this Union, Evgeniy Beliaev, to answer the questions of our corespondent. Transport passage of Russia: problems and prospects An interview of Chengiz Izmalov, deputy minister of transport of Russian Federation: At present the demand of trans-shipping capacities is over 270 million tons a year. However for objective reasons domestic ports are not able to convert all cargoes that have to be transported by sea, it is connected with a lack of special terminals for transit of oil cargoes, coal and mineral fertilizers. Geopolitical location of Russia between Europe and Asia — two fast developing centers of business activity is one of the key factors determining the necessity of evolution of sea trans-shipping terminals in the first place. The geopolitical location also pre-determines our key role in providing euro-asiatic relations through international transport passages «Sever-Ug», «Sevmorput», «Transsib». To fulfill it we will have to increase capacity of our seaports of these destinations, to reconstruct navigation and intra-harbor canals with simultaneous updating of park of hardware facilities. Federal principal program approved by Government of Russian Federation titled: «Updating of Russian transportation system (2002—2010)» comprises the programs of «Sea Transport» and «International Transport Passages». They fully cover of the all sections of city transport development. Äàòà: 12.11.2002 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹9
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