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1 ñòð. èç 1 Constructors planning to put into operation the circle motorway’s eastern half-ring by St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary The Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev answers questions of the readers. — Dear Vladimir Anatolievich! The authorities seem to undertake the circle motorway construction. But, as far as I know, the question is only about a half of the motorway — eastern half-ring, that will be ready by the 300th anniversary of our city. Before there was only talk about the road. Who will build the circle motorway? Will there be Moscow or Petersburg builders? Alexander Petukhov, road builder. — Indeed, we intend to put the eastern half-ring (47,2 km long from Priozersk to Moskovskoye motorway) into operation by the city’s 300th anniversary. The first segment of the road from settlement Gorskaya to Osinovaya roscha will be finished by this August. I’d like to remind that at the beginning of the year the president and the government took final decisions about the road’s construction, including period of project’s realization and its financing conditions. The federal Treasury is ready to help the building-site by necessary means. The means of the city budget and other financial sources will be engaged as well. I’m trusted to head the coordinating council for the road’s construction. Not long ago the tender’s for the road construction results were announced. I’m pleased that the road will be built mainly by Petersburg’s and Leningrad region’s constructors. By the companies Vozrozhdeniye, Dorstroyproekt, Mostootryad-19, Baltiyskaya construction company, North-West construction company, Tosnenskoye DRSU. First of all, they’ve all got great experience in this field. Secondly, state contracts, got by our fellow-countrymen, mean evident dividends for our city and its citizens: stable salaries for the road’s constructors, taxes to the city budget. There’s probability that Petersburg’s road machinery will work for the circle motorway building. Thus, the Kirov plant offered its road-building machinery to the road’s contractors. Russia and Germany: the Petersburg’s Dialog will be continued The president of Russia Vladimir Putin and the chancellor of Germany Gerhard Schroder had a Summit in Petersburg and signed important intergo-vernmental agreements. Prob-lems of Russia’s external debt, questions of international security and strategic stability, situation round Balkans became the subjects of discussion. The two states’ leaders came to conclusion about necessity of close cooperation between Russian Federation and Germany. Vladimir Putin stressed it was symbolic the Summit passed in the city which has become «a symbol of civilized unity of Russia and Europe». The Summit coming to the end there were signed two agreements: about cooperation in space and teaching of managers for Russian economy. The Petersburg Dialog was a success, two leaders said. They both made statements on the press-conference relations between Russia and Germany would strengthen and develop. Vladimir Putin noticed the commodity circulation between our countries reached the record level of 41,5 billion DM, which is comparable to volumes of trade between USSR and both FDR and DDR in 1990. On the whole, like Russian president noticed, «German investors demonstrate stable interest to our market». Let’s notice, that in Petersburg there’s a number of German companies, investing their means into local industry’s development. One of the largest is Pobeda-Knauf. However, making more precise, the president Putin said only 1% of total German investments go to Russia, so the perspectives are rather good. Interstroyexpo: the way Russia is being built April, 17—21 the 7th International construction show Interstroyexpo was held in Petersburg. It was traditionally organized by Gosstroy of Russia and the governments of Petersburg and Leningrad region. Petersburg construction market magazine became an official informational sponsor of this great forum. This year more than 600 companies from 23 countries (including former Soviet republics) presented their products, last elaborations and new technologies on Interstroy-expo. The most pleasant fact was that more than 48% of the exponents were direct producers, which speaks not only about revival of national industry but also about modern mentality of construction industry enterprises’ managers. All days six Lenexpo pavilions were full of visitors. This time Interstroyexpo organizers found a new shrewd move — the Petersburg Association of construction companies was proposed to make a collective stand. Thus more than 60 companies, members of the Association (including our Publishing House), demonstrated to the specialists from different countries and cities not only samples of their production but also how the members of construction complex can solve serious problems, when uniting. The 300th company became Association’s of Constructors member The International construction show Interstroyeapo is over. Conference Stability, public recognition and ethics of business in investment-construction complex is approaching. We discuss these and other events with Association’s director, Doctor of economics Lev Kaplan. — Lev Moiseevich, what events took place in Association’s life lately? — In April, 2001 the 300th company became the Association’s member. Our role in the city’s life is becoming more and more important from day to day. A lot of former state function today, in conditions of market economy, are delegated to business fellowship. As a prove — acceptance by the City Hall as the basis project of the law, worked out by our Association, about the state maintaining of private investments into housing. We also seek and find points of contact between builders and natural monopolists, undertake measures for perfecting normative-legislative basis in real estate sphere. Soyuzpetrostroy continues to work for foundation of the mutual crediting society. We fight for transparent tender procedures and system of «spot’s» distribution. We want to make usual such notion as «arbitration tribunal». Finally, our important goals is organizing of «Club of managers». That’s why we decided to dedicate our traditional conference to the problems, raised here. Finally, their solving will lead to foundation of civilized relationships in our branch. The conference Stability, public recognition and ethics of business in investment-construction complex, organized by the governments of Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region and Public Council of our city, will take place on June, 13—14 (see Petersburg Construction Market, ¹ 4, 2001). 1st International Construction Congress April, 17—19 the 1st International Construction Congress was held within the framework of Interstroyexpo forum. It was organized by Lenexpo, Petersburg Construction Center, Gosstroy of Russia, Committee for construction and Committee for town-planning an architecture in the Petersburg Government. The governor of Saint Petersburg V. Yakovlev, the governor of Leningrad region V. Serdukov, the president’s of Russia plenipotentiary in North-West region V. Cherkesov, deputy chairman of Gosstroy L. Barinova, chairman of the Committee for Construction in Petersburg government A. Vakhmistrov, chairman of the Committee for Construction of Leningrad region A. Kravchenko, chairman of Committee for town-planning an architecture in the Petersburg Government O. Kharchenko and others. During the Congress there were discussed problems concerning investment climate and development of North-West’s construction complex, state of building industry in our region, the branch’s enterprises modernization, new World Bank’s projects realization, etc. Preserving the look of the great city In connection with Petersburg’s 300th anniversary constructors are facing a great volume of work for renewing facades of many edifices. The list of the objects of historical center, whose reconstruction and restoration are financed by the federal budget, contains 21 edifice. Besides, in the frameworks of city projects it is planned to restore facades of about 90 buildings in Nevsky prospect, the same number in Moskovsky prospect and also some unique historical architectural monuments: edifice of the General Headquarters in Palace square, Russian National Library, General Post Office. It is planned reconstruction of Warshavsky Railway Station, Academic Drama Theater, named after A. Pushkin, etc. The leading companies of Saint Petersburg, possessing serious experience in restoring facades of architectural monuments, are ready to use in their work modern restoration systems «plaster-paint». It is intended to use specially prepared dry plastic mixtures and corresponding paints, that passed certification tests in the system of researching centers of Gosstroy and were examined on steadiness to influence of different climatic factors (acid rains, ultra-violet radiation, repeated by turns freezing and melting, warming and cooling, water saturation, etc.) in laboratories of Spetsproektrestavratsia Institute. How to prolong life of architectural monuments, providing at the same time their decorative and architectural individuality? The article by Doctor of technical sciences, professor, director of IC-SPb GASU, expert of GOST-R Yuri M. Tikhonov is dedicated to this problem. BauFach-2001: Russian-German Contacts Develop October, 24—28 the next International Construction Show BauFach-2001 will take place in Leipzig. Its organizer — Leipziger Messe GmbH company. The delegation of Peters-burg’s businessmen to this show is already being gathered with the help of Petersburg Construction Center. The Council for expositional activity in the government of Petersburg included BauFach in the number of construction shows which have got priority for our city. April, 20 the presentation of BauFach-2001 was held in Lenexpo. About its traditions and perspectives spoke a referent of the Show’s board of directors Mr. U. Kramp and director of Leipziger Messe Saint Petersburg’s branch Mr. A. L. Menshov. Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹5
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