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1 ñòð. èç 1 Dear friends! I greet all the guests and participants of the International Construction Fair BATIMAT-2001, which opens in the expositional complex Lenexpo on the shore of the Gulf of Finland. For the years of its existence the Fair gained merited popularity among both specialists of construction branch and common citizens and guests of Saint Petersburg. Constructors, planners, architects, building materials’ producers and sellers appreciate meaning of the fair activity as one of the most important directions for promoting their goods and services on national and international market. I’d like to wish you spend the Fair on the high level, which will contribute to our country’s construction branch development. Chairman of Gosstroy of Russia A. Shamuzafarov Dear friends! Let me greet in Saint Petersburg the guests and participants of the International Construction Fair BATIMAT, which is both popular among specialists and wide circle of citizens, who are interested in new trends in construction. The Fair takes place at support of the city Government and the most active participation of the Petersburg’s construction companies. And it is not casual. Construction branch developing is one of priorities of the city administration. Last year we put into operation more than 1 million sq. m of housing. Two years ago we achieved the same results. These are not featureless square meters but comfortable apartments of high quality. The new mechanisms of mortgage help the citizens to buy new apartments. It is remarkable that our city is the first in Russia where the new forms of mortgage are being examined. New blocks, plants, schools and polyclinics appear. The embankments are being reconstructed. the center changes to good. We have planned building and reconstruction of few great objects by the city’s jubilee, among them the Circle Motorway and the Big Seaport. We’ll also repair and open Kirovsko-Vyborgskaya metro line. I’m sure St. Petersburg construction will solve all these problems. I congratulate the guests and participants of this prestigious construction Fair with its opening. I wish you fruitful work on the Fair and well-being. Governor of Saint Petersburg V. Yakovlev Dear friends! I congratulate the respected guests and participants of the BATIMAT, Fair which is equally important for both Petersburg constructors and their colleagues from Leningrad region. Next time new materials and technologies in construction are being demonstrated in Lenexpo. Modern methods of working in construction branch are being propagandized. It is difficult to overestimate meaning of construction branch for Leningrad region’s economy, forming of its budget, attracting of capital. We can say that our region’s constructors leave behind representatives of other branches. The look of the our region’s town changes from day to day. And this is due to constructors. Today we build much housing, new roads. A part of the Circle Motorway will pass through the territory of our region. We pay much attention to construction of the Baltic Pipeline System, the Port of Primorsk, the Coal Terminal in Ust-Luga, the Ford Vsevolozhsk plant and other great objects. In a word, we’ve got new hard peaks ahead. And will take them also with the help of modern technologies in construction demonstrated on this Fair. I’m sure that by forces of our constructors we’ll achieve all the goals. I wish all the participants of the Fair successes and all the best. Governor of Leningrad region V. Serdukov The Days of Saint Petersburg Passed in Krasnoyarsk in August, 9—11 The governors, due to their profession, are the men of state mentality. And the governors of two regions separated by thousands kilometers decided to strengthen friendship because of the state interests. For the state is strong by its regions. Perhaps, the governor of Petersburg knows well a phrase of Mendeleev which says that power of Russia will grow thanks to Siberia. And power of Russia means also power of Petersburg — our second capital. «Krasnoyarsk region, governor Yakovlev wrote before his visit, is one of the most developed industrial region of Russia. It is always in the list of ten regions with the biggest volumes of production. The main branches of the region are black and color metallurgy, fuel-energetic complex, mining industry, mechanical engineering, metal-working industry and enterprises of military-industrial complex». And this is true. From the other side well-known governor of Krasnoyarsk region Alexander Lebed is also pleased by how develops his partnership with Petersburg. «I learnt long ago, he said, that all global projects in the frameworks of the former Soviet republics, of the whole world and its vicinities don’t give anything. I appreciate very much cooperation with Petersburg and do everything to make these contacts develop and stir». About the Progect of the General Plan of Saint Petersburg According to the direction of the governor Vladimir Yakovlev ¹ 916ð from 24.08.2000 and because of the General plan of Leningrad and region expiry by 2005, it is proposed to discuss the program-task on working out the new General plan of Saint Petersburg’s development. For the first time the General plan is being worked out in conditions when the Federal City-building legislation have already appeared. The status of the General plan — the document of the highest level, adopted by Law of Saint Petersburg — will provide legality and obligatoriness to fulfil its decisions. RCCS: We Publish Special Literature for the Participants of Investmeny-Construction Complex Pavel Goriachkin, the chief of the Regional Center for Cost-formation in Construction (RCCS) at Gosstroy of Russia, is a frequent visitor of our editorial office. Today we talk about his publishing activity. — Pavel Vladimirovich, publishing of the special cost-formation literature for constructors, especially is very important… — Of course. Especially today when the estimate-normative basis is being changed. And we need to inform the participants of investment-construction complex about this process. Our literature provides support to the reform we are talking about. Solemn Celebration of the Constructor’s Day Took Part in Oktyabrsky Concert Hall This year the Government of Petersburg decided to hold the solemn sitting and the concert by reason of the Constructor’s Day in the biggest and the most prestigious concert hall of our city — in Oktyabrsky. «If the city is being built, it lives», said the motto of this meeting. A vice-governor of Petersburg, the chairman of Committee for construction Alexander Vakhmistrov, said the constructors’ feast became the all-city’s important event. And the hall of Oktyabrsky, designed for almost 4 thousand spectators, was full. The representatives of Gosstroy of Russia, members of the city government, deputies and heads of the biggest construction companies attended the meeting. Unfortunately, the Governor Vladimir Yakovlev then was in Krasnoyarsk on the Days of Saint Petersburg, where he headed our delegation. But thanks to achievements of the modern means of communications he greeted the colleagues from the banks of Enissey. He wished the constructors all the best and «good and high salaries». A.Vakhmistrov reminded to everybody about the successes achieved by constructors last year. He also ensured them the government will work hard to bring the investment climate of our city into a healthy state and told about how Saint Petersburg prepares to celebrate its 300th anniversary. BATIMAT-2001 Starts September, 12 On the eve of the Fair we met with its director Irina Rudukhina to discuss the most important aspects of the Autumn Construction Forum. — Irina, soon the solemn opening of the Fair will take place. Our magazine wrote much about the forthcoming event. As to you, to what sections of the exposition should the participants and guest pay special attention? — The whole Fair will be very interesting and rich, as usually. All the main sectors of construction brunch will be presented here. But I’d like to tell in details about one very important conference «From Intellectual Building to Intellectual City», which will pass in the frameworks or the Fair. We organized it in cooperation with the Committee for Informatization, Press and Telecommunications of Leningrad region and ICS-BALTICA company. Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹9
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