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1 ñòð. èç 1 Dear Colleagues! The participation of Russian builders in major international trade forums has become a grand tradition. The Leipzig fair is the best example of this. While seeking integration into the world business community we now not only adapt the experience of our foreign colleagues, but are also active in demonstrating our own technical and creative potential. This encouraging fact cannot be overlooked. And if the Russian stand at Baufach-1999 occupied a mere 156 square meters, at this year’s show the displays of Russian builders will take up more than 600 square meters. The Moscow and Petersburg companies alone will occupy space of 150 and 160 square meters respectively. The collective stands of Karelia, Samara, Kazan, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod will also take up a fair amount of space at the upcoming fair. Moreover, the number of Russian construction industry employees involved in Russian delegations at international trade fairs is steadily on the rise. It is no coincidence that this year’s fair will bear the theme «Russia the center of attention». This encourages us to look forward to tomorrow and obligates us to continue steadily developing our nation’s construction industry. On behalf of the Russian Construction Committee Gosstroy I would like to welcome participants in the Baufach-2001 International Construction Fair. I hope that participation in this forum will bring Russian specialists a wealth of new impressions and knowledge, and will serve as a driving force to conclude profitable contracts. Minister of Construction of Russia A. S. SHAMUZAFAROV Dear friends! I am glad to welcome participants and guests at the BAUFACH-2001 international fair. The best construction materials and technologies are displayed at the Leipzig fair forum, which attracts construction industry specialists from many countries, including Russia. This year’s Leipzig fair is the last before the Petersburg tercentenary. In the year 2003 our city will be 300 years old. We are trying to prepare for this date as best we can, and primarily to make Petersburg look good and bring the city’s historical center into shape. It is no accident that the construction capabilities of Russia’s two capitals, Moscow and Saint Petersburg, will be demonstrated at the fair. The collective Saint Petersburg — Leningrad Region stand is impressive not only in the number of construction companies and organizations interested in showing their products abroad, but also in the intricate development of investment proposals and the ability to truly catch the eye of investors. The Petersburg delegation will represent major city projects included in the program for the city’s tercentenary preparations at the fair; these same projects are part of the General Development Plan of the city. I hope these projects will catch the attention of the fair’s participants and guests and become a unifying core for joint efforts of investors. I wish the fair’s participants success in the construction business, health and prosperity! Governor of Saint Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev Dear colleagues! I am pleased to welcome participants and guests to the Leipzig construction fair Baufach-2001, which gathers under one roof the cream of the international construction industry. The theme of high technologies and innovations in construction proposed by the fair’s organizers precisely reflects today’s needs. At the collective Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region stand we attempted to demonstrate our investment opportunities, as well as the fact that our regional builders have learned how to build using modern methods, primarily to quickly provide quality solutions to tasks set. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection. In this sense the fair is yet another step in the further development of the region’s construction industry. There are new horizons before us. This includes not only planned housing and industrial sites built, in some cases, with active foreign investment, but also major sites such as the Baltic pipeline, construction of which is well under way; construction of new ports on the Baltic; reconstruction of the Kirishi petroleum processing plant, etc. I wish participants in the fair effective work at the fair and success in the construction business! Chairman of the Construction Committee of the Leningrad Region Government Yuriy Boyko Dear colleagues! Allow me to welcome you to the opening of BAUFACH-2001, an internationally significant fair that is truly interesting for specialists in our shared field. This year’s Leipzig fair, which features a joint Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Region stand, is very significant for Petersburg. This fair precedes the 300-year anniversary of the city on the Neva. Petersburg is referred to as an open-air museum throughout the world. And it really is. But we are trying not only to protect our historical heritage in the magnificent agricultural landmarks, but also to introduce new elements into the city’s architectural image. The most important task here is to achieve a harmonious blend of the old and new. This is why Petersburg builders and architects are so interested in the theme of BAUFACH-2001, high technologies and innovations in construction. These help to guarantee high quality and achieve goals set in the shortest terms possible. I wish participants and guests of the fair commercial and creative success! Chairman of the Committee on Urban Planning and Architecture of the Administration of Saint Petersburg Oleg Kharchenko Dear participants and guests of the fair! I congratulate you on the opening of one of the most authoritative construction forums in the world, the BAUFACH-2001 fair. This year the fair will be specializing in telecommunications and information technologies as used in construction to aid more precise planning and better management. The qualitative change in construction industry management is one of the main tasks of the Construction Committee of the Saint Petersburg Administration. That’s why we are so interested in the program of this, the largest construction fair in Europe. At the same time, we also have something to show at the collective Saint Petersburg — Leningrad Region stand, where, in addition to citywide projects, proposals of the best firms in the city and region will be on display. The city’s construction industry is developing rapidly. Petersburg is seeing new housing construction, road repair, and reconstruction of buildings in the city’s historic center. We try to build quickly with high standards of quality. The preparations for the city’s upcoming 300-year anniversary show that construction activity in our region is on the rise. Participation in international fairs helps us in this area. Vice-Governor, Chairman of the Construction Committee of the Administration of Saint Petersburg Alexander Vakhmistrov Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹10/1
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