Baufach-2001: WHAT, WHEN, WHERE? «Focus on Russia» Program of events
1 ñòð. èç 1 Wednesday, October 24
10.00 Opening — welcome from V. I. Resin, Vice Mayor of Moscow.
11.00 Opening of the fair — Russian VIPs.
13.00 Gasteclub cafe — lunch.
Reception at the Old Stock Exchange — Russian VIPs.
Thursday, October 25
10.00 Poland Day.
10.00 European meeting of entrepreneurs (free interpreting services).
Organized by the Leipzig Chamber of Trade and Commerce, Hall 1.
11.00 or 14.00 Meeting with the Mayor of Leipzig, working title: «Leipzig experience of transition to a market economy».
Friday, October 26
9.30—17.00 Russia Day — Investment in Russia — Russian Construction Market Opportunities, Leipzig Congress Center, Hall No. 5 (working languages: German, Russian — simultaneous translation).
09.30 Welcome from the President of the Leipzig Fair, W. Dorschaidt.
09.35 «Development and Future of the Construction Industry in Russia», Mr. Shamuzafarov, Russian Federation Minister of Construction, Chairman of the State Construction Committee.
Prospects for Russian-German cooperation in the construction industry.
09.55 «The New General Building Plan of Moscow: Chances for Private Investors». V. I. Resin, Deputy Mayor of Moscow.
10.15 «Saint Petersburg Tercentenary: Future Prospects for Investment in Construction». A. V. Lobanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Construction Committee, Saint Petersburg Administration.
10.35 «The Investment Climate in Russia’s Regions based on the example of Nizhny Novgorod». Bystrov.
10.55 Break.
Experience of German investors in the Russian construction industry.
11.15 Presentation by medium business representative.
11.35 Presentation by big business representative.
11.55 «Export to Russia and Certification on the Russian Market».
12.15 «Financial Deals with Russia».
12.35 «Presentation of Investment Projects».
12.45—14.00 Lunch break/Negotiation opportunities.
14.00 «Urban Planning and Housing Construction: Leipzig Experience».
14.20 «Rebuilding Panel Houses» (saving electric power, insulation, heating, water supply, sewage).
14.40 «Netherlands Experience Rebuilding Panel Houses».
15.00 «Reconstruction of Old Buildings (saving electric power, insulation, heating, water supply, sewage)».
15.20 «The Housing Sector: Experience of the Market Transition».
15.40 «Financing Models for Housing Construction: East German Experience».
16.00 Break.
16.15 «Certification for Working on the German Market».
16.35 «New Materials for Road Construction and Possibilities for Recycling of Materials after Processing».
16.45 «Leasing of Construction Machines and Equipment».
17.30 Conclusion — Leipzig Congress Center.
19.00 Reception for participants (by invitation).
Saturday, October 27
Excursions (for extra fee):
«Urban Planning and the Housing Sector: Leipzig Experience»;
«Rebuilding Panel Houses and Old Buildings».
Sunday, October 28
Excursion to Dresden/Departure.
Supplementary Program
Congresses, seminars, conferences
** — by ticket
* — by invitation
Tuesday, October 23
Conference of the working group of central, western and eastern European countries «Building Maintenance and Upgrade of Major Panel Construction»*.
Organized by the Federal Ministry of Transport, Construction and the Housing Sector.
9.30—10.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 3.
Presentation of Architecture Awards.
19.00 Glass pavilion.
Wednesday, October 24
Conference of the working group of central, western and eastern European countries «Building Maintenance and Upgrade of Major Panel Construction»*.
9.00—17.30 (Continuation) Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 2.
VOB Conference**.
Organized by the Saxony Builder’s Union.
11.00—16.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
Presentation of the 2001 Award for Modernization.
Organized by the Union of German Architects, Berlin; German City Day, Koln; Federal Housing Union of German Entrepreneurs.
15.00—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 1.
Presentation «New Horizons for Leipzig».
16.30—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, rooms 14/15.
Thursday, October 25
Forum «Legal Norms for Renewing Cities in Germany 2001»**.
Symposium «Old Buildings as a Resource: Saving Electric Power in Housing Construction»
(Registration ends October 18, 2001).
10.00—13.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 5.
B2B European meeting of entrepreneurs — Construction.
Organized by the European Information Center of Leipzig with support from the Leipzig Chamber of Trade and Industry.
8.30—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 1.
Seminar «Construction Marketing East».
«New Standards for Production of Reinforced Concrete and Components.
Organized by Betonmarketing Ost, Berlin.
9.30—11.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 10.
«Permeable Basements: Structures and Physical Foundations for Construction».
14.00—15.30 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 10.
Architects’ Seminar «Construction Using Galvanized Steel».
Organized by the Institute of Tempered Galvanization, Dusseldorf.
10.00—13.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 11.
Seminar «Practical Application of Noninvasive Methods of Control in Construction». Organized by the German Society for Noninvasive Control, Berlin; Federal Agency for Study of Materials and Control, Berlin.
13.00—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 2 (continuation — October 26).
Poland Day — Development of the Polish Construction Market — Prospects for Investment and Cooperation.
Organized by the Polish Chamber of Trade and Industry, Warsaw; Leipzig Fair GmbH.
10.00—14.00 Leipzig Congress Center, East wing.
Specialized building chemicals days (October 25—27).
Organized by the Union of German Building Chemicals, Frankfurt.
25.10.01 «Repair Work Using Concrete».
15.00—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
26.10.01 «Waterproofing Structures».
15.00—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
27.10.01 «Protecting Wooden Structures».
10.00—12.30 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
Conference «Closing Nuclear Power Stations»**.
Organized by NBLD Ost Consult Holding GmbH.
(simultaneous interpretation in German and Russian).
10.00—17.00 Leipzig Congress Center, West wing.
Colloquium «Restoring Old Buildings and Repair of Facades».
9.00—13.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
Facility Management — Fad or a Real Business Process?
Organized by AWUS Economics Academy GmbH, Leipzig.
11.00—12.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Room 9.
Friday, October 26
Seminar «Practical Application of Noninvasive Methods of Control in Construction».
Organized by the German Society for Noninvasive Control, Berlin; Federal Agency for Study of Materials and Control, Berlin.
9.00—13.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 3 (continuation).
Saxony Engineer’s Day.
Organized by the Engineering Chamber of Saxony.
9.30—14.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 1.
Russia Day (see the «Focus on Russia» program of events).
Organized by Moscow and the Leipzig Fair.
9.30—17.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 5.
Seminar «Concrete Marketing East».
«Permeable Basements: Structures and Physical Foundations for Construction».
9.30—11.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Room 10.
«New Standards for Production of Reinforced Concrete and Components».
Organized by Betonmarketing Ost, Berlin.
14.00—15.30 Leipzig Congress Center, Room 10.
Presentation by architects «Reviving the Water Landscape of Leipzig: A Chance for Sectors».
16.30—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Rooms 14/15.
Papers presented by firms:
New Developments in the World of Thermal Insulation of Industrial and Residential Structures: Quick, Economical, Ecological.
14.00—16.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 2.
Protecting the Health of Workers.
10.00—13.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Rooms 6/7.
14.00—18.00 Leipzig Congress Center, Rooms 6/7.
GIS and FM.
10.00—11.00 Leipzig Congress Center, West Banquet Hall 1.
Saturday, October 27
Building Chemical Day (see October 25).
10.00—12.30 Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 4.
Fair Academy (for young architects and students).
Leipzig Congress Center, Hall 5.
10.00—12.00 Announcements of the results of work at the fair.
15.00—16.00 Awards ceremony.
Forums and special demonstrations
Centers for applied professions. Practical demonstrations.
Carpenters (carpenters of Central Germany), pavilion 3.
Roofers (roofing businesses of Leipzig), pavilion 3.
Walls and facades (Leipzig Builders’ Guild), pavilion 3.
Window cabinetmakers (Leipzig Guild of Window and Cabinetmakers), pavilion 2.
Painters (Leipzig Guild of Painters).
Organized by the Leipzig Fair and the guilds.
Special demonstration «Research in Construction», pavilion 3.
Organized by the Leipzig Fair GmbH.
Special demonstration of telecommunications and information technologies ZUSE — Sonderschau. Daily, pavilion 3, ZUSE stand.
Organized by the Leipzig Fair GmbH and the Society for Assistance to German Builders.
Wednesday, October 24
Planning and Construction on the Net with CAD
Complete information chain from planning to contracting work.
Thursday, October 25
Facility Management — Chances for the Future
Friday, October 26
Information, knowledge, experience
Construction databases.
Saturday, October 27
Management in construction
Optimizing the construction process, logistical operations with construction materials at construction sites.
Sunday, October 28
The Internet: Applications and Benefits for the Construction Industry
Engineers, planning specialists, managers of construction companies and construction material retailers share their experience.
Order Exchange, pavilion 4.
Organized by the Construction Information Service of Germany and the Leipzig Fair GmbH.
Investment in Central Germany. Glass Pavilion (planned).
Organized by the Leipzig Fair GmbH.
Russia in Focus, pavilion 3.
Organized by the Leipzig Fair GmbH.
Smart House, Glass pavilion.
Organized by the Leipzig Fair GmbH.
Ecological Construction
Organized by the Union for Ecological Construction.
Building the Sun Forum. Daily, pavilion 3, stand Å48/F47.
Organized by the German Solar Energy Society, Munich.
Wednesday, October 24, Thursday, October 25, Friday, October 26, 10.30—12.30, 14.00—16.30.
Saturday, October 27 — 10.00—16.00.
Sunday, October 28 — 10.00—14.30.
Academy at the Fair Leipzig Congress Center (starts October 23, 2001) for students and young architecture graduates, urban planning specialists and construction engineers.
B2B-CONSTRUCTION — Meeting of Entrepreneurs at BauFach-2001
25.10.2001, Congress Center, Hall 1
The European Information Center, jointly with the Leipzig Chamber of Trade, Industry and Crafts, is organizing meetings of entrepreneurs in the construction field. This event will be held as part of the Leipzig Construction Fair (24.10 — 28.10.2001), which is wholly oriented toward the interests of industry, of entrepreneurs who are specialists, building materials sellers, managers and architects. The meeting of entrepreneurs is being held for the fourth time. At least 80 firms, including representatives of small and medium business from the following construction fields will take part in the construction meeting:
Construction chemicals and protection for buildings
Roofs, walls, facades
Windows, doors, gates, facade systems
Interior finishing and equipment
Capital repair of panel and old buildings
Equipment for buildings
Communal, ecological and industrial construction
Recycling of construction materials
Exterior structures, street and road building
Turn-key construction and ready structures
Construction machinery, devices, tools
Scaffolding, falsework
Construction and planning services
Mainly firms from Austria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Ukraine, France and the Czech Republic are invited.
What can B2B-CONSTRUCTION offer you?
1. Publication of information on each firm in the catalogue, by type of business.
2. Placement of information on the Internet.
3. Search and selection of desirable partners based on information published in the catalogues.
4. Pre-arranged business meetings with entrepreneurs (personal calendar of meetings issued).
5. Free interpreter during business meetings.
6. Participation in the information seminar «European Program for Support of Joint Ventures».
7. Free entrance to the BauFach fair.
8. Beverages during business meetings.
For more information see the Web site: www.ihk-leipzig.deÄàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹10/1
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