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1 ñòð. èç 1 SAINT PETERSBURG AND LENINGRAD REGION – TWINS? The Governor Of Saint Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev Answers Our Reader’s Questions — Vladimir Anatolievich, lately in the press they have spoken more frequently about our city and Leningrad region unification. As to me it wouldn’t be bad for both the city and Leningrad region citizens. Never the less they’ve tried to give a political underlying cause to this question. As if it is profitable for the acting governor Yakovlev, who can be reelected for the third time as the governor of a newly organized subject of Russian Federation. With respect, Vitaly Kosarev, a planner — You are right, this is not the case of po-litics. Even if I try to reelect for the third time we can’t disclaim the city and Leningrad region unification expediency. This are two different things: the rules of a political game and the geopolitical interests – interests of the population of two subjects, drawn by each other. Firstly, once Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region lived together in friendship, helping each other to solve common problems. And if we really remember the older times when Leningrad and Leningrad region were integrated, we would say that common people lived better. Today there exist the giant holdings in the country where the city habitants on there private small plots cultivate grocery and potatoes. Some Petersburg citizens, especially retired people, constantly live in their small dachas, but they don’t want to consider themselves Leningrad region citizens. This means we need to make conditions for their comfortable dwelling – shops, transport, hospitals, communal services and telephone. Who will do all this? For the time being Petersburg and Leningrad region shift off the responsibility on to each other. Our two subjects are the one when we speak about the new system of ports on The Baltic sea. We need to build them as the unified system and not to close to each other oxygen access. It is not the «state» way of thinking. In many fields Petersburg and Leningrad region work together. It concerns, for example, the police. Having the citizens’ consent for unification we could found the unified tax service, service of the chief-architect, unified Committee for education and Committee for construction. The raw material sources – granite, agile, sand quarries – are in the region and the city is their main consumer. The unified chain of mining, treatment and producing of building materials would save us from financial losses. I don’t insist: let’s come together tomorrow. There must be the will of the people. And this is a very difficult constitutional process. But we need to think if it would be better for us to live separately or together. IN OUR YARD: SMOLNY ADOPTED THE PROGRAM ‘OUR YARD’ On the sitting of the Saint Petersburg government there’s adopted the program for the yard’s arrangement ‘Our Yard’ with the period of realization 2002—2003. Realization of the Program’s measures, as the asphalt and facades’ repair, organization of children’s and sport and rest zones, is considered to be one of the most important directions in preparation for the Saint Petersburg’s 300th jubilee. We need to stress that the Program ‘Our Yard’ has been worked out and realized in our city since 1998. And today’s adoption of the Program with its further realization will, firstly, let the Committee for housing to coordinate the one-type programs’ realization, financed from territorial and municipal budgets. Secondly, the Program ‘Our Yard’ 2002—2003 will let to attract the additional financing from the city budget to liquidate lag in yard territories’ asphalting, pulling down the dangerous trees, etc. THE CITY REPAIRS SCHOOLS This publication is dedicated to the address program on repairing the educational buildings of Saint Petersburg in 2002 and the address program on equipping of these buildings and facilities with the anti-fire automate systems for the same period. MAKING A FAIRY-TALE BECOME A TRUE STORY OR ABOUT SAINT PETERSBURG’S COOPERATION WITH OTHER REGIONS PERSPECTIVES Saint Petersburg’s cooperation with other regions becomes stronger. Judge yourself. In last several years 27 representatives of different regions of Russia opened in our city. They are Dagestan, Kalmykia, Tatarstan, Karelia, Krasnoyarsk region, Chukotka, Moscow and Kaliningrad. There are concluded agreements about cooperation with 32 regions. Three times more protocols about intentions to cooperate in different spheres of economics, culture and, of course, construction are also signed. In other words, the agreements are concluded with almost all regions. We were given these figures in the Direction for Regional cooperation in Committee for External connections of the Saint Petersburg government. Alexander Vasilevich is in charge for Saint Petersburg’s cooperation with North-West region of Russia and Siberia. On our question about particularities of today’s Saint Petersburg’s cooperation with other regions he answered: — Firstly, we need to say that today the horizontal economical, cultural connections between the regions, lost in the period of reforms, begin to restore. And Saint Petersburg is not an exception. Often, occupied by our own problems, we can’t imagine how our neighbors live. It’s not a secret that for last ten years we’ve more looked towards the West and not Russian province, where uncountable reserves of raw materials and money, ideas and talants are concentrated. LEV KAPLAN: WE VALUE EACH OTHER Professionals of the branch and common citizens watch the situation on the market of the primary housing with serious anxiety. We asked doctor Lev Kaplan, director of the most respectable city’s public organization SOJUZPETROSTROY, to comment the situation. — After the default 1998 the cost of housing used to be counted in dollars and the cost price of construction – in roubles. Thanks to this the companies had possibilities to invest in housing construction. Now the anxious times are coming. The fact is that resources’ costs quickly increase. In some cases the cost price of construction came close to the prices they offer you ready housing and other objects. The situation on the market depends on level of demand and supply on building product. Today the problem of production costs’ and price’s correlation becomes one of the most important. Perhaps, because of this the Association of House builders founded the Public committee for cost-formation on the primary market of housing. It gathered six companies. They proclaimed struggle with damping and bad faith competition on the primary market. The foundation and publication in several city papers the price-list for housing became the instrument of this struggle. In its basis there is division on districts and types of construction. There are shown two costs. One of them is the minimum cost per one sq. m. According to the price-list’s authors the lower cost won’t let the builders follow the conditions of agreements with the private investors and finish construction. The second cost entails economically well-grounded cost, giving of which will let the company-constructor to keep all the liabilities. Six companies, controlling about 40% of the Saint Petersburg housing construction market, like in the Soviet times, decided to dictate prices. Their price-list, of course, caused response of the Anti-monopoly committee, which considered the constructors’ behavior as a dirty deal and published statement about this. CIRCLE MOTORWAY: MEANWHILE THE WORKS ARE BEING CONTINUED Despite the doubt of the Supreme Court of Russia about the Government’s direction (according to which they are building the Circle Motorway round Saint Petersburg) actuality the works are going on. The governor Vladimir Yakovlev is a frequent visitor of this construction site. In the middle of September he made his next detour of the road with the editors-in-chief of the leading city editions. By this time the works are being lead on each part of the Motorway. The construction of 15 artificial facilities has already begun. Construction of the basement for the unique shroud bridge on the Neva is almost finished. In October construction of the bridge itself begins. Thus, construction of the Circle Motorway is led according to schedule. Vladimir Yakovlev plans, by the road constructors’ professional holiday the first part of the Circle Motorway 24 km long (from Primorsky motorway to prospect Kultury) will be put into operation. It will let to take the transport aside from two overloaded roads – Primorskoye and Byborgskoye motorways. Eight months later the last stratum of asphalt will be put. ST. PETERSBURG BATIMAT-2001 RESULTS September, 12—15 at the official help of Gosstroy of Russia, Committee for Construction and Committee for Power Engineering of St. Petersburg government and Licence Chamber there took place the 5th International Specialized Construction Fair BATIMAT-2001. More than 400 companies from 25 countries demonstrated their expositions in 4 pavilions and in the open air of LENEXPO complex (Gavan). Among the other participants there were presented collective stands of Germany and Finland. ZAO METROBETON: WE ARE ABLE TO PRODUCE 1 THOUSAND M3 OF THE MARKETABLE CONCRETE A DAY We continue our interviews with the METROBETON general director Vladimir Kondratenko. — Vladimir Vasilievich, tell us, please, about the place of marketable concrete production in your business. — I could say, this is our main specialization. We produce 15—17 thousand m3 of marketable concrete. And if necessary our daily output approaches to 1 000 m3 per day. We also have experience of producing fibrous concrete for the banks’ money containers. FACADES OF METAL: FANTASTIC IDEAS BECOMING REALITY Our magazine constantly give materials about different facade systems. Today we are speaking about production for the ventilated facades, which have been used recently and have let to realize the most fantastic architectural ideas. We mean siding materials of metal. Facades of the buildings, assembled in Saint Petersburg of these elements, are noted among the usual buildings. Such objects, as Ice Palace, business centers AKVATORIA, NOBEL, BADA-BUM became a new word in the sphere of facades’ finishing. Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹10
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