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1 ñòð. èç 1 Dear Colleagues! Allow me to welcome you, participants and guests to the Batimat 2001 23rd International Construction Trade Show in Paris, one of the largest and most authoritative forums in the world for this field. This show is significant in that the organi-zers have named new information technologies in construction as the theme. There can be no doubt that this issue is a very timely one for Russia as well, so the visit of the Russian delegation to the show will be highly productive and will provide a new impulse to introduction and use of telecommunications and information technologies in our country’s construction industry. I would like to note the high level of professionalism demonstrated in the organization of the now traditional yearly forums held earlier this year in Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The Paris Batimat show will be the last for the year. I would like to wish all builders, architects, designers and construction material industry colleagues successful and effective work at the Paris show. Minister of Construction of Russia A. S. Shamuzafarov Dear Friends! Greetings to all the participants and guests of BATIMAT-2001, Europe’s most important international forum of the construction industry! Established almost half a century ago, BATIMAT has staked out its place as the European and international showcase of new technology and the latest trends in construction. Like a magnet, Paris’ BATIMAT draws construction specialists from all over the world, and Russia is no exception. For St. Petersburg, this 23rd BATIMAT show is the last one before the city turns 300 in 2003. The city is currently priming itself for the grand anniversary: new embankments are being built, the bridges are being repaired, and historical buildings are getting facelifts. The federal commission in charge of preparation for the city’s tercentennial is headed by the President of Russia, Vladimir V. Putin. UNESCO has included St. Petersburg’s 300th anniversary in its calendar of highlights. The anniversary has thus transcended national boundaries and acquired international significance. It will take an enormous amount of construction and restoration, as well as extensive use of modern technology and materials and the ability to produce quality work under time pressure, to prepare the city for its tercentennial. No wonder then that Russian and, in particular, St. Petersburg participants of this year’s BATIMAT put such a high premium on the Paris show’s current focus, namely, new information technology in the construction industry. For our part, we are here to deliver to international investors and property deve-lopers all the necessary information about the progress of our anniversary preparation drive, to update them on the properties being built, renovated and restored in St. Petersburg. We have high hopes of really close, productive cooperation. I wish all participants of this show good health, great success and prosperity! Governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev Dear Participants and Guests of BATIMAT-2001! Congratulations on the opening of one of the world’s most representative construction forums, BATIMAT-2001. This year, every aspect of the construction industry is on display here, from urban development to suburban housing. However, the true focus of this year’s BATIMAT is on new information technology for the construction industry. This topic is always relevant. Indeed, electronic telecommunications and information technology are invaluable instruments in managing the entire construction process, ensuring rapid results and high quality. Construction companies in St. Petersburg and the rest of Russia look set to harness the technology of the future, and representative forums such as BATIMAT can really help. St. Petersburg’s construction industry is growing at a fast pace today. A lot of housing and new roads are being built, while the existing roads and historical buildings are being carefully renovated and restored. Construction is on the upsurge in the run-up towards the city’s 300th anniversary. So far, we have been able to cope with all the challenges magnificently, thanks to our attendance at international trade shows. I wish all the participants and guests of BATIMAT-2001 great success in their work! Vice Governor of St. Petersburg,Chairman of the Construction Committee of St. Petersburg City Hall Alexander Vakhmistrov Dear Colleagues! Let me take this opportunity to give you my warmest greetings on the occasion of BATIMAT-2001, a trade fair of truly global significance, a momentous highlight for all those who have made construction their career. This year’s Paris forum is of particular import to St. Petersburg, taking place not long before the city’s 300th anniversary. St. Petersburg is rightfully called an outdoor museum. This treasury of culture and architecture was built by Russian, Italian, French, German and Dutch architects. St. Petersburg is a majestic and austere city, just like its founder, the Russian Emperor Peter the Great, had wanted it to be. Not only are we careful to preserve the city’s historical heritage for posterity; we have been adding new exciting architectural features to the city, carefully blending the old and the new. The new construction technology and modern advanced materials featured at this show, from building frames to insulation seals, are of primary importance to us. We are delighted to see the entire spectrum of urban development and revitalization solutions so well represented at BATIMAT-2001. I wish all the participants and guests of BATIMAT-2001 creative, successful work and new promising contacts! Chairman, Committee for Urban Development and Architecture, St. Petersburg City Hall Oleg Kharchenko Dear Colleagues! It is a great honor for me to address the participants and guests of BATIMAT-2001, a forum that has brought together the best exponents of Europe’s construction industry. As proposed by the hosts this year, the focus of BATIMAT-2001 is on information technology in construction. Indeed, no other subject is more relevant today. Also deserving of note are the show’s other sections, from Insulation and Hydraulic Sealing all the way to Utilities, which always draw great numbers of participants. A lot of construction projects are currently underway in the Leningrad Region, including new ports on the Finnish Gulf, a system of new oil pipelines, and modern factories. Financing cannot in itself make these projects a success; new technology and materials are equally important, ensuring compliance with high international standards and major conservation of resources. In this sense, I am positive that BATIMAT-2001 will give the region’s construction industry a further impetus. I wish all the participants and guests of BATIMAT-2001 success in their work and advancement in their construction business! Chairman, Construction Committee, Government of the Leningrad Region Yuri Boiko Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹11/1
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