Information Center & Exhibition The St. Petersburg Construction Center: Future Plans
1 ñòð. èç 1 Since March 1996 the PCC is a member of the International Union of Building Centers UICB, a consultative establishment of United Nations Organization.
Today we would like to tell you about new directions of the PCC activity.
For 6-years of activity the strong marketing service has been generated in PCC. But only recently it proved to be ready for carrying out resear-ches not only for internal needs of the center, but also under individual orders of clients.
Marketing researches in construction industry — is the complex of arrangements supposing ga-thering, registration and analysis of information about building materials, equipment, technologies with the purpose to decrease risks when accepting responsible administrative decisions on development of construction companies and promotion of companies’ concrete production onto the market.
For years of work in the market of the building materials’ and technologies’ promotion in the PCC there has been created constantly updated database, containing information about
15 000 building organizations, modern materials and technologies. It allows experienced managers of the PCC’s marketing service to carry out analytical researches on questions interesting to customers. Reports on marketing researches may contain information on the following items:
characteristic of the building materials and certain equipment presented in the market and technology of their manufacturing;
prospects of material’s or equipment’s development (improvement of technical parameters);
functioning normative documents in researched area;
ways of products’ sales and ways of advertising;
estimation of market’s structure and capacity on examined materials and equipment;
characteristic of the basic firms — manufacturers and firms — suppliers, their market share, and also their price policy;
reception of dependencies «price — quality» or construction of quality tables on each material or equipment;
recommendations for promotion of the given material or equipment in the market.
At customer’s request the other directions’ researches can be carried out.
The last projects realized by the PCC’s marketing service are researches on the following themes:
«Materials for heat-insulation, used in civil construction in Saint-Petersburg» and «Tendencies of the building materials market’s development in Saint Petersburg».
Other important direction of the PCC activity is organization of exhibitions. A well-known project realized by the PCC on the BATIMAT-2001 fair is «Demonstration pavilion», successfully working on the fair for the second year. In April, 2002 a grandiose event — the International Building Forum INTERSTROYEXPO-2002 — will be held in Saint Petersburg. PCC is one of its organizers. As a part of the business program of the Forum there will be held the II International Building Congress (IBC-2002), initiated by the St. Petersburg Construction Center.
The basic goal of the Congress is exchange of experience on attraction of investments into development of the real estate, discussion of questions of the international and regional cooperation in the field of various regions of Russia and the CIS countries’ construction.
Among the basic themes of the International Building Congress there are:
1. Foreign investments in the real estate. The international examination of the leading advisers for investment attractiveness of regions.
2. Programs of the International and regional cooperation in construction.
3. 300 years to Saint Petersburg. The basic investment & building projects (the brightest and priority projects of the city reconstruction, and also the most worthy areas of the city realizing the program of accomplishment and gardening) will be marked and presented.
4. North-West of Russia. Questions of building complex’s development and mutual cooperation.
5. The market of building materials, technologies and equipment: state of domestic construction industry enterprises, marketing, licensing, certification and other questions.
The Congress’s program includes visiting of the main building sites and enterprises of construction industry.
The congress will be held as plenary sittings, conferences and open discussions. Totally about 700 persons from more than 20 countries of the world are intended to participate in the Congress. Representatives of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the CIS countries, the State Duma of Russian Federation, Gosstroy (Ministry of Construction) of Russian Federation, administration of the North-West and other regions’ and CIS countries’ construction complexes, serious International experts, delegations from foreign countries will take part in the Congress.
We hope the new PCC projects will find response among participants of building complex. Experts of the Center will help companies to study situation in the building market of Russia to strengthen their positions and to activate promotion of materials and technologies. More detailed information about PCC and its activity and also a virtual exhibition of building materials and technologies in Internet you can find at: http://www.infstroy.ru
General director of the Information center & exhibition «St. Petersburg Construction Center» Äàòà: 12.11.2001 Dr. Irina I. Belinskaya "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹11/1
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