RIKEL: the Key to Success is High Quality and Modern Technologies
1 стр. из 1 AOZT RIKEL was founded in 1991. During a short time the company managed to go from being a small sub-contractor completing special jobs to a general contracting structure capable of solving the most varied tasks.
In order to handle an increasingly broad spectrum of work, state licenses to carry out the following types of activity have been obtained:
acting as a customer;
acting as a general contractor;
construction planning and design, including development of special project sections (estimates, etc.);
manufacture, set up, adjustment and repair of supervised boiler sites;
construction and set-up work;
preparatory and earth works;
erection of load-bearing walls and filler structures for buildings and structures;
installation of outside and inside utilities lines and equipment, including those made of polymers;
protection and finishing of constructions and equipment;
engineering and consulting services;
transportation loading.
AOZT RIKEL has its own production base that is equipped with modern equipment to carry out set up and purchasing work, preparation of metal structures, heating units, and piping systems of any complexity. This makes it possible to considerably cut costs on construction and set up at a site in general, and to speed up the pace of construction, thereby increasing the company’s competitiveness. The necessary materials and goods, tools and equipment are delivered on-time to their destination by the company’s own trucks.
The company’s strategic approach to the market is turnkey construction and reconstruction of sites, and the guiding principle is consistent introduction of modern technologies and materials in practice. In order to achieve these goals AOZT RIKEL regularly trains and certifies its specialists in new methods of work, teams are equipped with the most modern equipment and tools. In 2000 the company was awarded a diploma from the Construction Committee of the Saint Petersburg Administration «for maste-ring effective forms of organizing production and introducing new technologies and materials in construction». In 2001 the company’s achievements in this area were commended at the federal level. AOZT RIKEL has won the 5th All-Russian Competition for best construction company in the area of «mastering new effective forms of organi-zing production and managing construction» held by the Russian Federation Gosstroy.
AOZT RIKEL is a constant participant of the special-purpose program of the Saint Petersburg Administration Construction Committee.
Over the past three years the company has built 6 schools, 3 kindergartens, some apartment buildings, 4th block of children’s infectious diseases hospital, a health clinic and other sites. has also undertaken reconstruction of the surgery section of the Mariinsky (former royal) Hospital. The right to work at many sites was won through tender competitions.
Construction of socially-oriented sites occupies a special place in the products of the RIKEL Company. This year, as last, new school was ready by September 1, the first day of classes. Saint Petersburg Governor Vladimir Yakovlev, personally present at the opening of the new school, praised the work carried out by the company very highly and noted «RIKEL never fails us». This days when many people are interested only in the profit and aren’t eager to take on construction of socially-oriented sites, such a comment from the head of the city administration is quite illustrative.
The company has experience working with foreign clients and firms:
together with the YNG company and Anton Hesko (Slovakia) work on installation of ventilation systems at the Coca Cola company in Saint Petersburg was completed;
AOZT RIKEL is a dealer of the Danish WAVIN Company and the Minsk factory which is producted of falsework for monolithic housing construction.
The foundation of AOZT RIKEL’s position rests on highly professional execution of construction and installation work, provision of clients with products and services of the quality and cost that satisfies the most demanding requirements.
These goals can be achieved thanks to the following:
planning work to increase the quality of construction products and provision of services;
motivation of personnel to achieve the best quality results;
mandatory compliance of all employees with the quality management system;
quality control for work carried out with sufficient frequency to fully satisfy requirements and expectations of consumers;
measures to prevent possible defects and immediate solution of insufficient quality of work and services provided;
systematic monitoring of the functioning of the quality management system;
regular analysis of the effectiveness of the quality system;
search for and introduction in practice of leading technologies and materials;
equipping construction subdivisions with modern equipment and tools;
regular upgrade of computer equipment and software;
mandatory and sufficient financing of the quality control system.
AOZT RIKEL is currently introducing a quality management system that complies with the ISO 9001:2000 international standard. As General Director Alexander Furman sais, «all the documents needed to achieve this standard have been sent to the appropriate places. But, no matter when the decision is made, the quality management system itself is introducing at our company. The essence of our company’s philosophy is constant introduction of new materials and technologies as the sign of high quality of construction products supplied».
193144 14, ul. Moiseenko, St. Petersburg, Russia Tel.: +7 (812) 274-9690 E-mail: info@rikel.spb.ruДата: 12.11.2001 Information provided by the company "Петербургский строительный рынок" №11/1
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