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1 ñòð. èç 1 The Vienna’s Experience Is Important for Petersburg. The Governor of Saint-Petersburg. Vladimir Yakovlev Answers Our Readers’ Questions. Dear Vladimir Anatolievich! Not long ago you had an official visit to Austria where you signed some documents on cooperation between Austria and Petersburg including treaties in construction branch. What are these projects? Sincerely, Vladimir Ivanov, engineer-planner — The relationships between Austria and Petersburg have long and rich history. Over last years the volume of investments between us has increased — up to 10 million Dollars in 2001. We’ve widely cooperated in culture, science, ecology, education, city-planning and architecture. The city of Grats, second big in Austria after Vienna, will mark its 875th anniversary in 2003, Petersburg — 300th anniversary, and we exchange experience in preparing to these remarkable events. In Austria I managed to meet with UN’s general director on Industrial development (UNIDO) Karlos Alfredo Magarignos and pass an agreement on continuing cooperation between St. Petersburg and UNIDO. There have been planned a few projects in environment proyection, including solid common wastes’ treatment. We visited refuse-treating plant in Vienna which is a part of heat-energetic system of the Austrian capital — the heat they get from refuse’s burnt serve for the buildings’ heating. The Vienna’s experience is very useful for Petersburg where 5 million of common refuses is produced daily, biggest part of which we keep on the dumps in the vicinities. The need of such a plant’s construction is essential in Petersburg. We’ve successfully realized Russian-Austrian investment project on the Trade Center Sennaya construction. Austrian businessmen have demonstrated interest to the project of water-treatment facilities’ construction in our city and possibility of aluminium wrapping foil production. The Austrian companies specialized in scene’s equipment are ready to reconstruct Alexander’s and Mariinsky theatres. Thus among the main directions of Austria-Petersburg cooperation we earmark ecology, saving of energy and tourism. As to visits of our science and culture workers, exchange of exhibitions between Vienna and St. Petersburg this have already become usual for citizens of Petersburg. St. Petersburg in Europe and in the Entire World External connections of the city, investments, International projects Petersburg built by Peter-the-Great as «the window on Europe» is one or the Russia’s largest centers of International activity. Today 40 diplomatic representatives work in Petersburg. The city has more than 50 city-partners in the entire world and 30 region-partners in Russia. More and more Summits are held in Petersburg. Delegations of Petersburg have International visits regularly. Here there are held important actions with International participation. Lately such events, as Baltic Forum on Development, Days of Belorussia, Days of Sverdlovsk region, International conference «Economical and Cultural Meaning of the Cities of Baltic region», Days of Comi Republic passed in St. Petersburg. Here there also worked Russian-Iceland Group on trade-economic cooperation. In our nearest plans there is holding of International conference «The Earth’s Polar Regions: geology, tectonic processes, environment», Days of Switzerland, 2nd International forum of the northern territories, Days of Karelia Republic. From Komi with Love October, 4—6 there passed Days of Komi Republic, «KOMIexpo-2001», in the Anichkov palace in St. Petersburg. To make the region’s whole economy, industry and culture presentation the leading businessmen, heads of companies, officials and artists of the republic came to our city. During three days they signed contracts, exchanged experience, discussed prospects of the future cooperation in different branches. The head of Komi Republic Yuri Spiridonov, the governor of St. Petersburg Vladimir Yakovlev, the governor of Leningrad region Valery Serdukov, deputy official representative of the Russian president in the North-West region Evgeny Makarov attended the official opening of the Days. Out-Post in the West, Out-Post in the East The Days of Komi Republic passed in Petersburg. The firms-participants took their expositions back to Komi, the governmental delegation continued to fulfil its usual duties, citizens of Syktyvkar met at home their favorite artists, and the Anichkov palace began to live its usual life. To continue the talk about the last events our correspondent went to the representative of Komi Republic in the North-West region of Russia Boris Al-mazov. — Boris Alexandrovich, are you satisfied with the Days’ results? — We managed to hold a remarkable event useful for both Komi and St. Petersburg governments, for businessmen of both regions and citizens of our cities. We can evaluate the importance of the event according to the volume of time on radio and TV we got. Information about Komi literally rained down on St. Petersburg. Budget-2002: Holding Positive Dynamic According to the Budget codex of Russia the financial plan, adopted by the St. Petersburg Government’s Decree «About Prospective Financial Plan of St. Petersburg for 2002—2005», Observing of financial norms, adopted by the Budget codex of Russia and Legislation of St. Petersburg became the obligatory condition at forming the budget’s project. The volume of gross regional product increased on 10% in 2000, the volume of industry product increased on 2,8%, the volume of investments increased on 7,3%. In 2001 there continues growth of industrial production, transport and communication enterprises’ services, retail commodity circulation and payable services for citizens. The growth of production is provided by its physical volume’s growth. In 2002 there will be hold positive dynamic of industrial production growth in all branches of St. Petersburg’s industry, forecasted in the amount of 102%. The meaning of average annual index of use prices in St. Petersburg is forecasted to be at level of 114% (while 115% on average in Russia). Fuel Energetic Complex (TEK) of St. Petersburg Decreases Costs and Increases Revenues Reforming of the State Enterprise «TEK SPb» conception for 2001—2004 Energetic is the main branch that provides and determinates the whole city’s economy functioning. The State enterprise TEK SPb gets the key place in the system of heat-supply of St. Petersburg providing more than 30% of the city’s need in heat energy and more than 85% in its transportation. Today’s technical and financial state doesn’t let the enterprise to provide fully the city’s needs in safe and high quality heat. In these conditions it is necessary to realize a complex of measures for reformation of TEK SPb aimed to the enterprise’s technical base perfection, costs’ decrease and revenues’ increase. This conception takes into account «The Main directions of the TEK SPb’s development until 2010» approved on the sitting of the St. Petersburg Government. ZAO Metrobeton: Strategy of Leadership Almost 500 people work in Metrobeton company, the leader of concrete production in thr North-West region of Russia. We talk with Vladimir Kondratenko, the chief of the company, about the secrets of how to organize production. — Vladimir Vasilievich, during our previous meetings we talked a lot about the plant’s history, about different articles you produce, about the approaches to the questions of concrete’s quality, we touched the essential problems of production. As to you, what helps the plant to solve successfully all the problems, to be the leader in the market? — In one of your magazine’s last issues we talked shortly about our collective and even named our managers — my most assistants (But in the times when the new economic relationships have only begun our main goal was to preserve the enterprise and to mount it on the adequate level. We spared main forces on the plant’s re-arming, output of new articles and introducing of modern technologies. Over all these years the enterprise has developed thanks to selfless work of our old employees. But the higher level we were taking the more evident and actual was becoming the problem of the experienced high-qualified workers’ lack. We have come to understanding necessity of founding of our own school for working youth education. This became one of the first steps on the way of the reforms. But the main thing we’ have done, we have adopted strategy of structural enterprise’s reorganization. Air Conditioning Systems of the XXI Century Modern building is impossible today without the comfortable air conditioning system. But creative ideas of architects and planners often contradict with the technical possibilities of traditional air conditioning systems. Modern methods of housing construction mean, as a rule, building of monolith ferro-concrete constructions and usage of window-packs glazing, which make rooms hermetic. In the big cities, where ecological situation is usually unpleasant, level of noise is high and the streets are dusty, hermetic housing is good. But this has the reverse side. Because in this case rooms don’t get fresh air. Lack of oxygen and high concentration of carbonic acid gas are harmful for human’s health, they lead to fast tiredness, head aches. This arises thoughts about necessity of air ventilation systems with mechanical inducement in such conditions. It is evident that temperature will also demand correction, especially in the warm period or during off-season, when heating is already switched off or not switched on yet. In this case temperature fluctuations in wide frames are possible during a day, as soon as the main heating work will be fulfilled by the ventilation system itself. Therefore in the lodgings with high level of comfort the complex air conditioning systems are obligatory. Äàòà: 12.11.2001 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹11
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