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1 ñòð. èç 1 WE MUSTN’T HAVE LONG-TERMED CONSTRUCTION IN OUR STREETS The Governor of St. Petersburg answers our readers’ questions — Dear Vladimir Anatolievich! We live in Primorsky area. The aria is being developed quicker than other districts of the city. A lot of housing is being constructed, new green areas appear. Never the less we notice some long-termed construction and public transport problems. When will finally a metro station appear in Komendantsky prospect? Respectfully, the Sidorovs, Dolgoye lake At one of the last governmental sittings we discussed all these questions. We spoke about the activity of the territorial directorate of Primorsky area for preparations by the Petersburg’s jubilee. All the mechanisms of our big economy should be fixed by the jubilee including questions concerning housing construction, transport, ecology, roads, etc. Primorsky is one of the most densely populated areas. And there’s a big construction here today. A few thousand new settlers will become the main present to the area by the jubilee. Annually population of the area increases in 10—15 thousand people. The city government’s policy is to provide appearance new trade centers, schools, hospitals, gyms, parks together with new housing. So we are planning to construct a new pedestrian zone from «Staraya Derevnya» metro station to the Hermitage reserves’ building. In the old «sleeping» areas constructed in 60—70-s lack of parkings is today’s most important problem. In the old times nobody could have imagined so many private cars would appear. In the new blocks of Primorsky area we can foresee this situation and construct parkings next to housing. There have been planned project for Dolgoye lake irrigation. This will approve ecological situation and eliminate innundations in this area. A new trade-expositional center in Lakhtinsky prospekt will become the area’s sight. Construction of motels in this area also caused investors’ interest. And incomes from tourism can become really important article of the city’s and area’s budgets. In the days of the jubilee Primorsky prospekt will become the main area’s street. By this event not only court-yards will be transformed, but also 40 fountains will be reconstructed. Beauty and tidiness round us make better not only human’s mood. Statistics says these factors eliminate crimes. Where shall we take money, you are asking. The jubilee’s preparations are being financed from the city and area budgets, means of municipal institutions, enterprises nd organizations. We also feel big aid of the deputies of the City Hall. Unfortunately there still exist unfinished construction projects in the area. And it doesn’t make our city more beautiful. We mustn’t have long-termed construction in our streets. We need to take most strict measures including severe penalties to those construction firms who don’t keep to schedule. As to transport problems in the area after putting into operation the tunnel «Lesnaya – Ploschad Muzhestva» the metro constructors will try to finish «Bogatyrskaya» metro station by the jubilee of the city. PROBLEMS OF THE HOUSING FACILITIES – IN THE CENTER OF MINISTRY OF CONSTRUCTION’S ATTENTION November, 23—24, 2001 in a village of Pushkinskiye Gory of Pskov region there was held a sitting of inter-ministerial council for the questions of architecture, construction and housing facilities. There were discussed results of preparation of the country’s housing facilities to Winter. Specialists highly appreciate level of Russia’s preparation to Winter. This gives confidence Winter will pass without excesses. It is important that committees responsible for housing facilities learned to solve essential problems. This helps to increase safety level of services and effectiveness of work in this field. Oldness of engineering communications is the main problem to be solved today. Old buildings make 90% of the housing in Russia and are built according to the past times’ heat-protection norms. That’s why it is important to re-watch a lot of construction decisions and pay special attention to renewing of heat-protection of facades in the old buildings. MORE TOURISTS AND MORE HOTELS The city government adopted a project of the law «About the special purpose program of St. Petersburg «Development of tourism in St. Petersburg in 2002—2005». The program have been prepared by the Committee for tourism and health resort development as a part of realization of order of the city government ¹ 55, 24.12.1999 «About the program «Main directions of the St. Petersburg’s government activity for maintaining of tourism in St. Petersburg in 1999—2003». The modern tourism industry is one of the most profitable in the world’s economy. Income from tourism is one of the most important budget articles in many countries and in some states form 10% of the national gross product. Dynamics of growth in tourism is higher than in other branches. According to statistics of the International tourist organization through last 10 years incomes from tourism were increasing for 7,9% annually. In developing countries growth of tourism’s profitableness come to 1.000% (Portugal). Development of tourism stimulates other branches (transport, trade, communications, etc.), serves to appearance of new vacancies, increase of taxes and budget. Climate, history and cultural resources are the most important factors of tourism’s profitableness. Political climate and level of the state’s support of tourism are also very important. On the governmental sitting there was discussed question of investment projects’, concerning construction and reconstruction of the hotels, realization. Vice-governor, chairman of Committee for external connections Gennady Tkachev informed the government that 8 hotels are being constructed in the city and 80 project are being planned. MOST EFFECTIVE BRANCHES OF THE FOREIGN CAPITAL USAGE IN RUSSIAN CONSTRUCTION-INVESTMENT SPHERE On the base of his analysis academician J. Rekitar, president of International Academy of Investments and Economy of Construction, professor of Institute of International Economy and International Relationships of the Russian Academy of Sciences insists that the following branches of Russian construction complex are most attractive for the foreign investors: — production of heat-insulation and acoustic materials (thanks to the new norms of heat protection of buildings); — production of effective materials for internal and external finishing of buildings and sanitary-technical systems (thanks to development of private housing and increase of buildings’ quality); — production of construction materials on the base of wastes and secondary raw materials (strict economical norms are being adopted in Russia and secondary raw materials have rather low production costs); — production of building machinery and equipment for output of effective construction materials and construction techniques. HOW TO ELIMINATE PRODUCTION COSTS IN CONSTRUCTION BRANCH? On December, 4—5, 2001 in the House of Architect there was held a conference «Ways and methods of eliminating production costs in buildings’ and facilities’ construction, producing and supply of materials and equipment. Problems of formation of costs in construction». It was organized by St. Petersburg Association of Contractors. Vice-governor, chairman of Committee for Construction A. Vakhmistrov, deputy chief of price formation directorate in Ministry of construction V. Maklakov, chief of Regional Center for price formation in construction P. Goryachkin, Director of Sojuzpetrostroy L. Kaplan, chiefs of the most serious construction companies of St. Petersburg V. Zarenkov, M. Zarubin, G. Dvorkin, A. Kirilenko, M. Salenko and others took part in this conference. Participants of the conference listened and discussed some reports and established a fact that problems of costs formation in construction, production and services in investment-construction sphere are very actual and need serious and system analysis and active measure of the authorities. In modern conditions cost prices in construction are close to prices of ready product. In these difficult conditions not all companies managed to reorganize their work in the market, weekly organizing marketing and badly analyzing cost prices. In addition low demand of population for new housing and not enough attention of authorities to the problems of investment-construction sphere make the problem very actual. REGIONAL CENTER ON PRICE FORMING WILL INTRODUCE A NEW NORMATIVE IN CONSTRUCTION BASE NEXT YEAR Our vis-a-vis is the chief of Regional Center on price forming Pavel Goryachkin. — Pavel Vladimirovich, what are the results of investment-construction activity of 2001 in St. Petersburg? — Our Center analyzed some figures and came to conclusion that this year cost price of construction in our city increased to 19,5%. So realization of investment-construction projects became more expensive. But in our city these figures are lower than on the average in Russia, were this index is 25—30%. This year salary of workers of construction branch was the most dynamically developed article due to the policy and activity of our center and trade-unions. In Russia the workers of construction branch still get 1 U. S. Dollar per our. At the same time even in such countries as Argentina and Mexico they pay 2—3 Dollars for the same work. — How do you appreciate prospects of the housing market development in St. Petersburg? — We look in the future with optimism. But as to me I consider only big construction holdings who can lead several objects simultaneously are able to work successfully in the market without fear of collapse. Lately not the prices on housing but safety of the company-contractor became the main criterion when private investor thinks about participating in housing project. VASILIEVSKY ISLAND PREPARES TO THE 300TH ANNIVERSARY OF ST. PETERSBURG In the middle of November there was held a sitting of the city government about «The work of territorial directorate on preparation of the jubilee». The Governor Vladimir Yakovlev and members of the city government visited the objects, industrial enterprises and building sites. There are 20 projects in the area’s program of preparation to the jubilee. Main part of the program is connected with construction and reconstruction of court-yards, streets, squares, pedestrian zones. The newly reconstructed Birzhevaya Square will become the main area’s present to the city. Much attention is paid to tiling of streets. There were restored facades of 22 historical buildings. The social programs are being realized. The street retailing is to be reorganized by the jubilee. The guests visited on the building site of a new gym with skating-rink that will be put into operation in the middle of 2002. The governor Vladimir Yakovlev said there are many project to realize by the jubilee in Vasilievsky Island. RESULTS OF BAUFACH-2001: RUSSIA AND GERMANY ARE FOR MORE DENSE PARTNERSHIP IN INVESTMENT-CONSTRUCTION SPHERE October, 24—28 the next construction fair Baufach was held in Leipzig. The main motto of the Fair was «Focus Russia». A representative of our magazine visited the fair in the official delegation of St. Petersburg constructors. Petersburg Construction Center (Irina Belinskaya) in cooperation with the exhibition complex Leipziger Messe (Alexander Menshov) at participation of the Saint Petersburg and Leningrad region governments and informational support of Petersburg Construction Market magazine formed the delegation for visiting the biggest International construction fair BAUFACH-2001. More than 50 companies from different regions of Russia, including Moscow, Perm, Samara, Smolensk, Novgorod, etc., took part in the fair. The whole exposition of Russian companies occupied a stand of 450 square meters. St. Petersburg official delegation consisted of 102 representatives of construction companies. The city expositional collective stand (88 square meters) gathered 15 firms and was led by vice-governor, chairman of committee for construction Alexander Vakhmistrov. This year the exposition was very rich and demonstrated the widest spectrum of building materials, constructions, technologies, machinery and techniques, ready buildings and services. This year the following sections were presented to the visitors: — Building chemicals and buildings’ protection; — Doors, windows, gates, facade systems, protection against the sun; — Internal finishing and apartments’ furnishing; — Old and panel houses’ sanation (technologies, techniques, lift-transport equipment); — Ecological and industrial building, recycling; — Building of streets and roads; — Ready building; — Building machinery, devices, instruments, wood and casing; — Informational and communicational techniques, technologies and systems; — Equipment and rigging of architectural, planning, construction offices, etc. The Russian construction industry was the novelty of BAUFACH-2001. In the center of attention there were questions of cooperation in construction and investment sphere. The journey program included visiting of the federal organs, enterprises and building sites, wide cultural program. Some Petersburg companies held successful Talks with German colleagues. ST. PETERSBURG CONSTRUCTION CENTER. RESULTS OF THE YEAR This center was opened in 1995 in our city and is a part of the International system of construction centers. Its work is very useful in our market. Our magazine cooperates with the Center spreading information about its activity. Director of the Center, doctor of economics Irina Belinskaya is a true friend of our editorial office. We traditionally talk to her in this year last issue. INDUSTRY OF DRY CONSTRUCTION MIXTURES: MARKET GROWTHS, LEADERS ARE THE SAME Examination of the North-West region’s market held with the help of several research institutes and representatives of companies show that 13—14 thousand tons of dry mixtures is produced in the region monthly. This examination concerns only modified mixtures for construction and finishing works. EXPOSITION OF COTTAGE CONSTRUCTION IN «LENEXPO» On the territory of «Lenexpo» there works a constant Exposition of cottage construction. Our magazine, being its informational sponsor and understanding importance of cottage construction in our region, tries to pay more attention to development of this branch and show possibilities of companies working in cottage construction. Representatives of 9 firms gathered at a «round table» to discuss problems of the branch and to share with the colleagues their ideas, projects and plans about attracting potential clients. COMPANIES VYACHESLAV ZARENKOV PRESENTS: MORSKOY KASKAD (SEA CASCADE) OF LENSPETSSMY LenSpetsSMY is the biggest construction holding in St. Petersburg. Each 7th new apartment in our city is built by the company. Over this year our magazine talked to the general director of LenSpetsSMY, doctor of economics, professor Vyacheslav Zarenkov about his company’s last projects. All the projects of LenSpetsSMY differ from all other houses by their finished architectural and social idea, become centers of big areas and are considered to be modern classics in architecture. By the way the company cooperates with most famous and talented architects of our city. The new complex will include shops, different services, gym, post-office and business-center. The life in this house as well as in all the other complexes of LenSpetsSMY is a fact of prestige and comfort. In this issue Dr. Zarenkov is speaking about his last project — complex of buildings Morskoy Kaskad which will appear soon in Vasilievsky Island, on the shore of Gulf of Finland. TEACHING OTHER COMPANIES HOW TO COMPARE WITH METROBETON This year we spoke much about Metrobeton company, the leader of concrete production in the North-West region of Russia. We talk with Vladimir Kondratenko, the chief of the company, about the results of his enterprise this year work. — Vladimir Vasilievich, during our previous meetings we talked a lot about the plant’s history, about different articles you produce, about the approaches to the questions of concrete’s quality, we touched the essential problems of production. The year is coming to an end. What are its results? — In one of your magazine’s last issues we talked shortly about our collective and even named our managers – my most assistants. We showed the picture of the enterprise’s modern stage development. But in the times when the new economic relationships have only begun our main goal was to preserve the enterprise and to mount it on the adequate level. We spared main forces on the plant’s re-arming, output of new articles and introducing of modern technologies. Over all these years the enterprise has developed thanks to selfless work of our old employees. But the higher level we were taking the more evident and actual was becoming the problem of the experienced high-qualified workers’ lack. We have come to understanding necessity of founding of our own school for working youth education. This became one of the first steps on the way of the reforms. But the main thing we’ have done, we have adopted strategy of structural enterprise’s reorganization. Today we can be sure in our future. The year brought us new successes. Next year we’ll continue development of the enterprise and will begin to produce wooden windows and doors and dry construction mixtures, using new technologies. We’ll also a new line for giving white cement. RIZALIT: PLANNING, CONSTRUCTION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL AND CIVIL OBJECTS Over five years a small company Rizalit have become one of the most serious general planners contractors successfully solving most difficult construction problems. We are talking to its general director Evgeny Varnavitsky. — Evgeny Matveevich, what are the most famous projects realized by your company? — We built and reconstructed dozens of industrial objects. Thus we reconstructed the bottling line for «Pepsi-Cola» in Polustrovo. We also planned and built a plant of non-alcoholic drinks for «Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers» in Parnas. Our company also fulfilled reconstruction of the «Credit Lionais» bank’s office. Having won difficult contest we fulfilled reconstruction of «Chupa-Chups Rus» factory in Kolomyagi. We are looking forward to new interesting contracts on planning, construction and reconstruction of industrial and civil objects. 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