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1 ñòð. èç 1 VLADIMIR YAKOVLEV: WE HAVE UNTWISTED THE CONSTRUCTION FLY-WHEEL Interview with the Governor of St. Petersburg It have become a good tradition to open the first each year issue of our magazine by an interview with the city Governor. Vladimir Yakovlev is au courant of all nuances, achievements and difficulties of the construction market not only in the performance of his duty but also as a professional constructor who worked a lot in this field. What this year have prepared to us, what are the ways of solving essential problems, what we have already managed to overcome? About these and many other aspects concerning development of construction branch of our city we speak to the St. Petersburg Governor. LENINGRAD REGION HAS BECOME A REGION-DONOR Interview with the Leningrad region governor Valery Serdukov Construction branch is an important part of the Leningrad region’s economy, considers the region’s governor Valery Serdukov. These are vacancies, investments, taxes. And the opening of the ports in Ust-Luga and Primorsk will give fasten the other branches’ development. Vladimir Putin attended the opening of the port in Primorsk. How can the President’s interest to the work of the Leningrad region constructors be explained? The President is from Leningrad-Petersburg himself, says Valery Serdukov, and it’s natural that he observes the processes taking place in our region. The President should wonder how Leningrad region have managed to attract so great volumes of foreign and Russian investments. The volumes of industrial output are being increased, we’ve achieved successes in agriculture and in fulfilling great construction projects. Our new ports are not only Leningrad region’s, Kingisepp’s and Vyborg’s property. They also solve one of strategic problems of Russia — provide its economical security and independence from the neighboring states’ ports. THE PORTS IN PRIMORSK AND UST-LUGA HAVE BEGUN FUNCTIONING At the end of the year 2001 Leningrad region became the political and economical center of Russia. December, 27 in this region the Russian President on a major note finished his working journeys’ marathon. No other Russian region has entered the new year with two powerful modern ports. V. Putin, having arrived to Pulkovo, first planned to participate in the ceremony of the first coil ship’s loading in Ust-luga and in the opening or the Baltic pipe-line system. But lack of time and bad weather over Luga corrected the President’s plans. By helicopter the President of Russia V. Putin together with the Leningrad region governor V. Serdukov flew right to Primorsk, the final point of the Baltic pipe-line system. ON THE SITTING OF THE ST. PETERSBURG GOVERNMENT THERE HAVE BEEN ADOPTED A PROJECT OF THE LAW OF ST. PETERSBURG «ABOUT REGULATION OF CITY-PLANNING ACTIVITY IN ST. PETERSBURG» The city-planing codex of Russian Federation (CPC RF) has determined the basic norms of relationships in the field of city-planing activity in Russia. By CPC RF important powers have been given to regions, especially to Moscow and St. Petersburg. In city-planning and city-planning regulations it is necessary to work out and adopt a law of St-Petersburg, correcting thesis of CPC RF in conformity with conditions of our specific region. The main problems to be solved firstly while working out normative-legislative basis of city-planning activity in St. Petersburg are: — determination of the powers of the federal and local authorities in city-planning activity; — determination of the structure of city-planning documentation and legislative acts that regulate demands for using and settling the territories of St. Petersburg; — establishing regulating system of the St. Petersburg territories’ usage when carrying out city-planning activity. TOWN-HOUSES AND COTTAGES WILL BE BUILT BY RULES Proposals on setting town-houses areas in St. Petersburg for the period up to 2005 (with prognosis up to 2010) have been adopted on the city government’s sitting Proposals on setting town-houses areas in St. Petersburg for the period up to 2005 (with prognosis up to 2010) have been worked out to develop the Complex plan of setting town-houses areas in St. Petersburg approved by the city Government order ¹25, 10.11.1994. Forming of the sites’ list recommended for new settles have been carried out on the complex valuation of each new site opening up, accounting the following facts: — structure and probable cost of the territories’ engineering projects; — volume and probable cost of all kinds of engineering nets divided in the internal and external with usage (if necessary) of local sources; — project limitations including historical and cultural, ecological and sanitary; — presence of social infrastructure and enterprises in the vicinity; — level of the transport development; — structure and probable cost of building new objects of social infrastructure and transport services; — valuation of the engineering-geological and hydro-geological conditions; — landscape characteristics of the neighboring territories (presence of reservoirs, forests, etc.). There have been analyzed each site with taking into account their main characteristics, information about the land users, presence of projecting documentation, etc. YURI PANIBRATOV: CONSTRUCTION IS THE BUSINESS OF MY WHOLE LIFE On the 3rd of February the rector of the St. Petersburg Architecture and Construction University, doctor of economics, professor, corresponding member of Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Higher Education and International Academy of Investments and Economy of Construction Yuri Panibratov marked his 65th anniversary. We interviewed him on the eve of his birthday. BATIMAT FAIR IN PARIS — A FEAST OF THE XXI CENTURY Paris is one of the oldest and most beautiful European Capitals. Tourists from all over the world dream to get here to become for a few days a part of «the movable feast». The delegation of St. Petersburg constructors led by Irina Belinskaya, the head of St. Petersburg Construction Center visited Paris in November, 2001. The main goal was familiarization with the greatest construction fair in Europe — Batimat that takes place once every two years. Batimat does impress! It occupies territory of 134 thousand square meters of the Porte-de-Versaille fair complex. This year on 2165 stands 2428 companies from dozens of countries presented their products and services. 140 thousand visitors had declared their desire to participate in Batimat-2001. And the organizers had anticipated about half-a-million visitors would have arrived to Port-de-Versaille complex. The President of Batimat Mr. Frederic Theux on the meeting with the St. Petersburg delegation expressed his particular attitude to our constructors and hope that on Batimat-2003 our city would be presented by personal stand. There were many interesting meetings and acquaintances on Batimat. We visited the stand of a French producer of finishing materials SEMIN company. It exists since 1837 and it’s a unique sample of a family enterprise. This firm produces 7 thousand tons of materials monthly and exports them to 36 countries including Russia. On the 7th of November we were invited to a reception in the French Ministry of Construction where we discussed essential problems of the branch. The heads and managers of the well-known St. Petersburg companies visited Paris including: A. Furman (Rikel); R. Arutunian (Metrobor); P. Sinelnikov, V. Savichkin (Baltstroy); N. German (Optimum); M. Voronova, J. Diachenko (Magline); N. Kiselev, V. Slugin (Spetskhimmontazh); S. Lykov (Shtrikh), E. Voskoboynikov (Vek); I. Nikonov (Sevzaptransstroy); V. Dianov (Spetsghidroizoliatsiya Monolit); A. Fokina (Geostroy); A. Yatskov (Aeroprof); T. Mironova (Izoliatsionny zavod); A. Kovalev (Geoves). We’d like to express the words of particular thankfulness to Mr. Andre Laborde, the head of an architectural company Andre Laborde & Associers, Honored President of the French National Association of Architects and an expert of the Ministry of Labor. Famous French architect and designer, a very busy person, he paid much time for our delegation, introduced us to Mr. Frederic Theux and showed us how new modern buildings can exist in harmony with the ancient historical streets and ensembles. Our delegation was pleased very much by an interesting cultural program, which included visits of the Louvre, Orsay, Versaille, Centre Pompidou, etc. We hope by Batimat-2003 (Paris) our magazine Petersburg Construction Market will get the status of an official informational sponsor of this fair. SPETSTREST-27 On the 1st of February a very well known St. Petersburg company Spetstrest-27 marked its 25th anniversary. This firm has successfully worked in construction market of St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and other cities of the North-West of Russia for quarter century thanks to high professionalism of its managers and 300 employees. The firm is specialized in elevator-assembling and electric-assembling works. Over 25 years more than 4000 objects, including blocks of flats, hospitals, hotels, institutes, banks, have been built at participation of the Spetstrest-27. On the eve of the company’s jubilee we met with its general director, Honored Constructor of Russia Valery Atrashevsky to talk about their history and prospects. CONSTRUCTION COMPANY VEK The history of this company is very long. The enterprise was founded in Karelia as a part of Soviet Ministry of Transport more than 50 years ago, after the World War II. In the new economical conditions the firm has preserved its technical and creative potential and, introducing new technologies, continues to construct modern buildings and reconstruct historical architectural monuments in Karelia. We interviewed the head of Construction company VEK Evgeny Voskoboynikov after his arrival from Batimat (Paris). Äàòà: 12.11.2002 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹1-2
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