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1 ñòð. èç 1 WE WILL MAKE THE MORTGAGE REALLY FUNCTIONAL The Governor of St. Petersburg answers our readers’ questions — Dear Vladimir Anatolievich! Not long ago in the Big Concert Hall the city government reported about its work in 2001. Of course, it has been done a lot. Thus we’d like to ask if it is planned to build more housing and what this factor depend on? With respect, the Ivanovs. — I understand your worrying, because this problem is very actual, while it determines quality of life. Today we build much and we wish to build more. Judge yourself. What a human needs? Good job, stable income and – a comfortable home with well arranged surroundings. Last year we increased volumes of construction. We built more than 15, 000 apartments at 1, 118,000 square meters, which is 3,5% more than in 2000. Besides, reviving of construction of housing testifies to developing of real estate market and increase of St. Petersburgers’ incomes, who invest into realty even when the prices on housing increase. We subsidize from the city budget veterans of War, families of the perished officers, people who stayed in the city during the Blockade, orphans and those who suffer from tuberculosis. And we need to search new ways of solving of the housing problem. We will make really functional such methods of solving of the problem as, issuing of housing certificates, buying of apartments by mortgage, development of construction of private houses in the vicinities of St. Petersburg. UNFINISHED BUILDING SITES WILL BE CONTROLLED There are 1184 objects in St. Petersburg that are at different stages of construction or reconstruction. 613 of them are being built, 348 are being planned, and the works are stopped on 223 objects. The last category is divided into 4 groups: federal objects, objects, that were constructed by the means of the city budgets, objects, constructed on investment conditions and private objects. In 2001 they managed to decrease number of objects, where the works had been stopped. 14 objects are planned to be finished in 2002 by the means of the city budget, 24 will be finished by investors and owners, and on 11 object the works has already been restarted. There has been prepared a letter to the Ministry of Property of Russia with request to give 23 federal objects to the city to finish their construction. There has already been got principal agreement about two of them. By the order 1221-pa on 21.11.2001 there was founded a working group for coordination and control of involving into activity unfinished buildings, located on the territory of St. Petersburg. INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE LENINGRAD REGION: RESULTS AND PROSPECTS We regularly tell our readers about successes of the investment policy of the Leningrad region. And it is not casually because its appetite is truly enormous and the region absorbs and absorbs new Russian and foreign investments. In 2001 the stable development of the Leningrad region economy was continued. Industrial and agricultural enterprises developing and strengthening their financial powers decreased credit debts and giving of investments increased into 2,3 times. Of course, such economical successes couldn’t become reality without active investment processes that have developed in the region for years. They began when there was adopted a law «About investment activity in the Leningrad region» ¹ 24-îç, 22. 07. 1997, which gave tax privileges to investors. As the result over 3,5 year there have been signed 63 agreements about investment activity at the total amount of $801,2 million. In the region there are two times more Russian investors than foreign, but their projects are not of such a large scale. The region government signed 42 agreements with Russian investors at the total amount of $92,4 million and 21 agreement with foreign investors at the total amount of $708,8 million. THE CIRCLE ROAD WILL APPEAR SOON The eastern half-circle is planned to open by the jubilee of the city The circle road will help Petersburg to solve transport problems, will improve ecological state of the city atmosphere. All the citizens need the circle road. And the city government is sure it will appear in time. Any opposition can delay the date of the road’s putting into operation but it won’t cancel it. The question is what stage of construction of the road will be reached by the jubilee of the city. The fact of beginning of its construction is a great present to the city. Great means are invested in the city economy. This year 5 billion roubles from the federal budget will be involved. The revenues from the World Bank are also possible. And this gives new vacancies for 15 thousand of St. Petersburgers, their salaries and new taxes into the city budget. In the frameworks of the circle road construction the round territories are to be arranged, streets and avenues, big parts of Vyborgskoye and Primorskoye motorways will be repaired. In the Ministry of Transport they consider putting into operation the eastern half-circle should take place in 2005. This decision is submitted to Vladimir Putin’s approval. And the constructors are sure at the stable financing the will open the half-circle by the city’s 300th anniversary. About the results of 2001 and prospects for 2002 speaks the director of the State enterprise «Directorate for construction of the circle road of St. Petersburg» Egor Tratnikov. SAGA ABOUT FACADES No doubt over the years of new market conditions the construction industry has changed a lot. The progress is obvious. We have decided to talk about the problems appearing when fulfilling the facade works in our city. And Petersburg Construction Market magazine organized «a round table by correspondence» with the managers of the leading companies-producers of paints and special materials and representatives of the state controlling organizations. PETERSBURG CONSTRUCTORS PREPARE TO THE INTERNATIONAL FAIR OF INVESTMENTS INTO REALTY MIPIM-2002 In March, 12—14 the largest European fair of investments into realty MIPIM-2002 will be held in French Cannes (The Palace of Festivals). MIPIM is an International fair for professionals. On the one hand the projects are presented, on the other hand there are people who want to invest their capitals. This will be the 13th MIPIM. Interest to it increases from year to year. In 2000 12 thousand participants gathered under its flags, in 2001 – 16 thousand, that represented 5, 838 companies from 58 countries. Those were investment, developer, consulting, managing companies, auditors, etc. This year Petersburg will participate in MIPIM for the 5th time. Our delegation will be composed of commercial and consulting companies and representatives of the city government. SAVING OF ENERGY: COMPLEX APPROACH There are two main approaches in the business of saving of energy. One of them means zealous and safe attitude to the used energy carriers. That is strict control of their consuming. The second means foundation and introducing into exploitation of systems that let to use the necessary energy with the maximal efficiency. Of course, the largest effect can be reached when combining these two approaches. In this issue, continuing and developing the theme of saving of energy, traditionally being in the circle of our interests, we speak about the experience of the Finnish company FINREILA, which actively works in the market of the North-West of Russia. According to Markku Silvennoinen, the head of the company’s Petersburg branch, «the main principal of the firm’s activity is to solve in complex and ecologically problems of saving of energy». AIR CONDITION SYSTEMS OF THE XXI CENTURY We continue the story about the most modern air condition systems from the leading International producers proposed in the Russian market (beginning ¹ 11, 2001). In the previous publication we spoke about the proposals of Daikin, the company which first in the world had twenty years ago proposed intellectual air condition system. Over last 20 year all the leading producers have included in the list of their products systems like VRV (or VRF) deciphered as variable refrigerant volume (flow). It is interesting that the specialists insist that firstly VRV/VRF-systems (they are also called multi-systems for the buildings) were oriented on the internal Japanese market. Today the VRF systems of several famous producers can be bought in Russia. In addition to the pioneer of this direction Daikin (Hi-VRV-system) to the service of the customers there are techniques of Hitachi (Set-free), Mitsubishi Electric (City Multi), Mitsubishi Heavy (KX), Panasonic (Urban Multi), Sanyo (Eco Multi) and Toshiba (Super Multi). In 2000 in our market there appeared the first American system of the same type proposed by Carrier company. York also declared including of these systems in their list of proposals. Last year Fujitsu General also began to produce systems of VRF type. Samsung and LG don’t want to lag behind and work on DVM and Building Multi systems accordingly. The Korean equipment will most probably appear in Russian market in 2003. INTERSTROYEXPO — 2002 The largest International construction fair Interstroyexpo will be held in St. Petersburg in April, 23—27, 2002. The forum will consist of 5 specialized fairs: Interstroyexpo (construction, architecture, instruments, software), Teplovent (engineering networks, air condition and ventilation systems), Windows, Doors, Roofs, Construction Design, Russian Construction Industry and the International congress on construction IBC. Äàòà: 12.11.2002 ïî ìàòåðèàëàì ðåäàêöèè "Ïåòåðáóðãñêèé ñòðîèòåëüíûé ðûíîê" ¹3
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